Former prime minister Tony Blair is appearing on the satirical US TV programme The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Thursday.
The programme will air across the US at 11pm ET on Thursday (4am BST Friday).
A spokesman for Mr Blair said: "The Daily Show have been asking Tony Blair to appear for some time and Thursday seemed like a good time before he starts teaching his course on 'faith and globalisation' at Yale University the next day.
"The course will explore how faith traditions and globalisation may influence each other and why understanding this mutual process is important in the 21st century."
"The former prime minister ended years of speculation by converting from Anglicanism to Catholicism just before Christmas."
Refresher on Tony Blair
*The world-religion merging Tony Blair Faith Foundation was announced 4-4-08, with these stated goals:
"...the foundation would focus on the "Abrahamic faiths" of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, as well as Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism, and that it would help people of those faiths "discover what they share" and "help partner those within any of the faiths who stand up for peaceful co-existence and reject the extremist and divisive notion that faiths are in fundamental struggle against each other"."
*This post: 'One World Church Rising', documented the launch of the TBFF less than two months later (5-30-08) with more stated goals and the naming of an "advisory council":
"The Tony Blair Faith Foundation will fight extremism, organize faith groups against poverty and illness, and educate people worldwide about religions other than their own, he said.""
*On 7-2-08 Blair called for Worldwide 'Radical Transformative Change':
"Tony Blair today published the first report from the Breaking the Climate Deadlock initiative which set out the framework for a new global deal for a low carbon future.""
Amazing times to be living in! Thanks for keeping your ear to the track and letting us know when the train approaches town.
How much longer til He comes? (rhetorical...I know you dunno)
Keep the faith.....little left these days,
Hey, I know an Alison that used to live on the North Shore of Oahu and moved to Panama not too long ago.
Gotta be the same one i figure...(smile)
So hello Alison and Bill (i presume)...good to hear from you...and glad you found this little blog...and glad it's helpful.
You guys too...keep treading the narrow way until He cometh...pluck some from the fire along the way if can...and may you hear the Lord say: "a race well ran"
stay in touch...tom
When the Lord does come it will be with a shout, and the voice of the archangel will be heard also, with the trump of God sounding a glorious note...and...before the world blinks, it will be over..."in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye"...
keeping an ear out for the shout, voice, and trump too...could be any moment...halelujah
Inspiration & Instruction:
Now reading Clarence Larkin Tom. Finished Rightly Dividing the Word, and now almost done reading his study of Revelation. Have his work on Daniel and will be buying his Dispensational Truths. He's sooooo good at splainin the Lord's word....
Did you know he began as a draftsman/engineer type and wasn't ordained until his early thirties? It was his draftsman skills that he applied to his many charts!(Larkin's charts) There's a man who understood the prophetic word and had eyes to see...when many were blind all around him waaay back in 1915 or so !!
Anyway......keep up the good work. Lots of smoke back in cowboy town and methinks more fire on the way.
Missionary work here in Panama has been a true blessing to us both. Nothing like witnessing the Lord at work and being able to pitch in now and again.
Bless you Tom...we miss you brother!
Keep the love for Him burning, and yes..bear not that which is evil; are a wonderful watchman for The Lord....and a gifted teacher.
Alison, sounds like you're staying in the Word and keeping the oil topped off in the lamp...that's a good report...abiding in Christ.
Very dramatic things happening these days...major things...but we can do just like Enoch know he had peace that passeth all understanding...because..."Enoch walked with God:[then one day]he was not; for God took him." (Gen. 5:24)
So let's keep walking in the Spirit day by day through the darkness of this world and it's rapidly fulfilling prophetic current events until He comes...
And keep giving some shouts from down south there along the've got the e-mail and the blog...
'And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.'Phil. 4:7
looking up, tom
Interesting you chose Phil 4:7 cause it was scriptures Phil 4:7-9 that were truly the inspiration to journey on to Panama. Lo and behold this wonderful tiny mission sat here for us to rest and find peace in laboring for the glory of Him. I can say now after a year has flown by that the Lord certainly has blessed us and in that, we are all the more encouraged to labor.
It's such a joy !! What a luxury to be able to rest in His word and join Him in a bit of labor in the field.
A mission moment:
In this little mission when an individual makes a decision to follow the Lord....the entire mission church up here in the mountains is taken down to the river in the mission buses. All 350-400 of them. So now and again after Sunday we go to the river! Cold rushing mountin water and a sea of splendid colors of the indiginous dresses like beautiful mountain flowers. It is such a glorious sight....sun or pouring rain.
Yes Tom we decided to actively think on all those "whatsover things" and seek Him actively.
He has truly blessed us with a peace here in the mountains of Panama as we wait on Him.
Our cup runneth over !!!
Bless you Tom,
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,
think on these things" Phil 4:8
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