1st: New 'Border' Patrol checkpoints in Washington up to 56 miles from the border:
Homeland Security Sets up Suspicionless Checkpoints Along Roads in Washington State:
Seattle Indymedia Center
"Homeland security has setup up 3 internal checkpoints on the Olympic Peninsula. These checkpoints are in addition to checkpoints at Washington Ferry docks and highway border crossings. According to the U.S. Border Patrol, it has a jurisdiction of about 100 miles from the border. This puts most of Washington state in an area where border checkpoints are authorized, including Seattle."
"In August and again in the beginning of September, the Department of Homeland Security has set up suspicion-less checkpoints on the Washington peninsula. The checkpoints are in the town of Forks, at the west side of the Hood Canal bridge going east bound, and at the third near Discovery Bay on US 101. Forks is a timber town of 3,200 people that is 56 miles from the nearest ferry terminal connecting Washington to Canada. At the road checkpoints there and elsewhere, the border patrol ask drivers different types of questions to gauge their status in the U.S., including questions about citizenship."
2nd: Eyewitness account of surprise checkpoints stopping traffic in both directions on a 5-lane freeway in downtown L.A. Thousands of cars backed up for miles, according to this writer who goes by the moniker yogmama:
Felt like "Martial Law" in Los Angeles!: Daily Paul (9-14-08)
"In my life I have never seen anything like this! My niece got married today. The Wedding festivities ended at midnight. On my way home on the opposite side of the #60 freeway going into Downtown L. A. I see very large trucks w/flashing lights - about 25 to 30 - lined up to form a single-file line for cars to follow to be stopped by at least 2 dozen police! This is on a 5-lane freeway, mind you!"
"Thousands of cars and thousands of unsuspecting people are experiencing for the first time in their lives, the full impact of what a police state is all about this morning, folks! The freeway looks like a parking lot!"
"So, I quickly and fortunately got off at the very next offramp and tried to get on, again, further up the road. However, there were several arrows on the streets for people to follow - seemingly to take you on a detour to another on ramp - but, no; they only led to more check points!"
"I live in Burbank and I couldn't get onto the northbound Golden State Frwy until I passed Griffith park which is about 3 to 4 miles beyond where the check point started on the freeway on my side (about 6 to 7 miles from where I first noticed the check point on the opposite side of the freeway!)"
"Every single one of those 3 to 4 miles on my side had cars w/mulitple passengers in them and the cars were at a complete stop waiting for their turn to be chuted in like cattle to be asked for their papers (?) and to be questioned by the cops (for possible DUI?). I would say, there were, at least, 3 to 4 and maybe even 5 thousand cars, approximately, on both sides of the checkpoints waiting to get through the. Unbelievable!!
compare another eyewitness account, this one from Minnesota : View From the Streets Outside the RNC
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