This was a comment from the above post:
"What is happening in the UK is planned for every community across the globe eventually. Read this article and get a glimpse of how the coming 'micromanagement' of the people of this planet is to function down at the community level...when everybody is locked into their little green sustainable communities in the global kingdom of totalitarian '666-dom'."
That global prototype is now being introduced into the global kingdom on this side of the Atlantic too, as seen from the two articles posted below. In Chicago the youth are being expressly targeted to "tip off authorities", similar to the UK program called the "Junior Streetwatchers"...rewards and all (see linked article). The city of New York is also breaking new ground in being the first city to have the capability to accept photos and videos. The city of New world order York, that is!
Chicago Sun Times: Students can send text message tips to cops
Teens in 10 high schools can send messages to alert police about possible violence -- and maybe earn rewards
"Students who see a gun or overhear plans about an after-school fight can now tip off authorities the 21st century way -- by anonymously text-messaging police -- under a program announced Monday involving 10 Chicago public high schools."
"In launching the program, Chicago joins a growing list of cities that have turned to text messaging to tap into a popular way for youth -- and others -- to communicate. While other cities are taking tips-by-text citywide, Chicago is starting out small, with a pilot program in 10 CPS schools."
"Tipsters will receive a code number and can call (800) 535-STOP to see if their tip resulted in an arrest."
WCBS: NYC Emergency Hot Lines Accepting Photos, Videos
New Technology Allows For Advanced Reporting Of Crimes And Complaints Over Quality Of Life Issues
"On Tuesday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that photos and video can now be transmitted to the hotline. Operators will notify the NYPD when callers have cell phone images of accidents or crimes."
"Callers with a cell phone video or photo of a crime also can notify the emergency operator, and a detective with the New York Police Department's Real Time Crime Center will call back to receive the images. By next year, photos sent by bystanders will be made available to patrol cars in the area."
"While hundreds of cities around the country accept text messages to emergency hot lines, New York is believed to be the first city with the capability to accept images, which may be used as evidence when prosecuting criminals, officials said."
compare, connect dots: Electronic Eye to Watch You, Homelander
The OT prophet Micah provides a glimpse of what it will be like in the coming time the bible describes as the tribulation, also called "the time of Jacob's (Israel's) trouble" (Jer. 30:7)...the days after the Lord Jesus Christ has taken his bride to be where he is (John 14:1-3) and the one the Word of God identifies as the Antichrist has come to power. Word to the wise (Dan. 12:10) don't want to be there:
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