"Houston, TX (PRWEB) April 24, 2008 -- Today Soulforce released an open letter from Pastor Jay Bakker of Revolution NYC church to Rev. Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Originally mailed in January 2008, the letter invites Osteen and families from the Lakewood congregation to share a meal with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and straight-ally families over Mother's Day weekend.
"Bakker is one of the clergy leaders of a nationwide fellowship effort called The American Family Outing. Co-organized by Soulforce, COLAGE, the National Black Justice Coalition, and the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, the project aims to create dialogue between LGBT families and families at six American mega-churches."
"Several mega-church congregations, including Willow Creek Community Church in Illinois--ranked the most influential church in America by Church Report magazine--have responded to the invitation with interest and graciousness."
"Jay Bakker is the son of Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye Bakker Messner, and the co-founder of Revolution Church. His non-traditional approach to ministry achieved national attention in the Sundance Channel documentary One Punk Under God, which documented his journey to become an LGBT-affirming Christian."
fyi: "six American mega-churches" targeted for, again for lack of a better term, the gay invasion of Christendom. There is here a huge political agenda being 'dramatically' acted out. The "Willow Creek" and the Joel Osteen/Lakewood brand of 21st century 'christianity' both fall far short of biblical Christianity anyway, and so any type of true "Christian" response should not at all be expected. Willow Creek is currently undergoing an 'emergent' transition from their self proclaimed "seeker model" failure, while Osteen and his 'empowerment/self-help' brand of worldly-success seeking pseudo christianity is devoid of scriptural truth and has no Godly standard to uphold in the first place. These "dialogues" are simply another tool of the transformative 'change agents' to accomplish the pre-arranged outcome...further merging of the tattered remains of Christendom into the global society.
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