"Florida health officials are drawing up guidelines that recommend barring patients with incurable cancer, end-stage multiple sclerosis and other conditions from being admitted to hospitals if the state is overwhelmed by flu cases. The plan, which would guide Florida hospitals on how to ration scarce medical care during a severe flu outbreak, also calls for doctors to remove patients with poor prognoses from ventilators to treat those who have better chances of surviving. That decision would be made by the hospital....
"This should be an ongoing process that includes new evidence as it becomes available and that includes, in an open society, the participation of citizens," he said. (see 'Hawaii' below)
Pandemic triage plans?
Hawaii: Twisted Global-Brainwashing Agenda Coming As People Asked to Play 'Lifeboat' 3-29-09
This 'global kingdom' being constructed by man has excluded the Lord Jesus Christ, the true and living God who created them. It cannot stand:
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