'Swine '09'...a Constitution-scrubbing backdoor power grab by the NWO.***
Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency
WASHINGTON (AP) "...Obama declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency, giving his health chief the power to let hospitals move emergency rooms offsite to speed treatment and protect noninfected patients
Administration officials said the declaration was a pre-emptive move designed to make decisions easier when they need to be made. Officials said the move was not in response to any single development..
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius now has authority to bypass federal rules when opening alternative care sites, such as offsite hospital centers at schools or community centers if hospitals seek permission.
The national emergency declaration was the second of two steps needed to give Sebelius extraordinary powers during a crisis.
On April 26, the administration declared swine flu a public health emergency, allowing the shipment of roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually needed them. At the time, there were 20 confirmed cases in the U.S. of people recovering easily. There was no vaccine against swine flu, but the CDC had taken the initial step necessary for producing one."
re: 'second of two steps...to give extraordinary power'
The news is not good. Over the last ten months, the bogus 'swine flu' has been the faciltating tool of choice used to take many steps toward implementation of the dranconian control necessary to transition America into the global dictatorship.
Well, surprise, surprise, swine is the excuse again. And here with no justification whatsoever, a declaration of "National Emergency". It is said to be a "pre-emptive move". This pre-emptive move, the second of two, is a giant step, giving "crisis" dictatorial powers over the entire country...to another appointed 'official'.
Note: they did not even say "mother may I".
Compare this from five months ago:
Swine Flu Being Used to Condition Masses To Draconian Controls 5-3-09: "Forced quarantines and vaccinations, jailing the non-compliant, changing the legal system of the country, and even martial law are just a few of the 'ideas' freely tossed out by this little panel of 'experts' from the BoP [Bureau of Propaganda] as topics that must be discussed due to the possibility of an impending pandemic, we are told."
Changing the legal system? check
Can only guess what the next 'step' might be? Rev. 18:4