Could take years to lower pandemic alert level - WHO
GENEVA, Oct 9 (Reuters) - It could take years for the World Health Organisation to downgrade the H1N1 flu from a pandemic to seasonal-like virus, the U.N. agency said on Friday.
re: 'health warning would stay in place'
The 'swine flu' scam is here to stay, says WHO, and apparently will now be tag-teaming with the all-purpose 'terror threat' scam as permanent partners in the destruction of the free world. H1N1 is proving also to be a very versatile tool in building the NWO totalitarian control apparatus, as shown by yesterday's announcement that new government 'travel guidelines' to 'protect the public from the flu' will be forthcoming. [see 'follow up' link above]
It's the new one-two punch:
Opinion: you ain't seen nuthin yet. Be smart. Rev. 18:4
Belgium Claims Dictatorial Pandemic Power 9-22-09
9-21-09: China Kicks Off The H1N1 'Inject the World' Agenda
1st Global Swine Flu Conference (8-'09) And Global Government
'I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.' Psalms 37:35
this is clearly a way to mass Mark people (with H1N1 anti-viral). The day is upon us. Soon things are going to get ugly.
It seems that they now intend to take their sweet time about it too...it may be an on-again off-again thing...wear down the resistance...and then...pop up with an 'outbreak' who knows where...and start the hype again...
'we wrestle not against flesh and blood'
if it gets ugly...
Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Serpents are running the show these days...be wise as
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