"They've never made a movie about this guy, and beyond any sort of spiritual reasons or anything like that, he is really an iconic figure of the 20th century," Hammer told The Tennessean after filming for the movie commenced on Mar. 26.
"I've been going to church and reading my Bible and doing a lot of other spiritual work to get in that right headspace to even start to play someone like Billy Graham," Hammer revealed.
(More evidence of the wave of the future....get 'em out of the Word of God and trained to watch movies. see: Laodiceans and Hollywood)
also: Anglican Bishops to See Play about Gay Christians
Church Security Solutions Launches Conference Series in Response to Increased Church Violence
SALEM, Or., July 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today more than ever the church is experiencing security threats that go beyond sexual predators, bookkeepers embezzling funds or car break-ins in the parking lot. This new dimension in security threats is exemplified by Sunday’s church shooting in Tennessee where two adults were killed and eight additional adults shot in the presence of their children.
Churches are open and accessible for their fellowship, yet those who have a sole intention of doing harm have easy access into the church. How do Churches prepare and plan for this violent phenomena?
CSS is offering regional one-day conferences across the nation. Over the next year CSS will visit major metropolitan areas with a conference dedicated to giving pastors, elders, Directors of Security and lay volunteers practical, hands-on tools that can be taken back to the church and applied to any size fellowship.("new dimension": getting used to security everywhere you go...the new order)
also :Churches and security measures
When violence breaks out and police are not there, Hawkins says a well-trained armed security force is the best protection for a church. (not just any ol' 'security', but "well-trained armed security"...welcome to the new order)
Come out of her my people.....Rev. 18:4
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