"This is the moment when we must come together to save this planet."
"...people of the world - this is our moment. This is our time."
"...let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again."
Rick Warren on his upcoming presidential forum: (religious puppet delivering fallen and undiscerning Laodicean Christendom unto the 'beast' to be devoured.
"Passengers selected for the additional screening are separated from the line and may be subjected to enhanced security procedures including, checking and matching passenger identification and boarding passes, conducting physical searches of carry-on luggage and using handheld explosive detection units. The behavioral screening checks are unannounced and may be done at any gate, at any time."
New Systems Keep a Close Eye on Online Students at Home
It sounds Orwellian, but the paragraph — part of legislation renewing the Higher Education Act — is all but assured of becoming law by the fall. No one in Congress objects to it.
Christians taking on role as environmentalists
(i.e deluded 'dominioinists under the influence of the 'woman' riding the beast following blindly those who are reading 'globalist script' chapter by Al Gore and who have promised to 'deliver the goods')
"Like shrinking ice caps, resistance among American Christians to address the effects of global warming is diminishing, creating a once-unlikely connection between the scientific and the spiritual, representatives of national and local religious organizations said Wednesday.'
"Two years ago, 86 prominent evangelical leaders signed a major statement to combat global warming, saying it was imperative of Christians to protect the earth and those affected worldwide."
Gay Bishop Dismisses Call to Resign, Says Issue Will Not Go Away
"Does anyone think that if I resigned, this issue would go away?!"
Schwarzenegger to Cut Most California State Workers’ Pay to Minimum Wage?
(have to find some way to keep them in their 'sustainable communities')
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger plans next week to slash the pay of more than 200,000 state workers to the federal minimum of $6.55 per hour to help ease the state's budget crisis, according to a draft executive order obtained by The Chronicle on Wednesday.
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