Article about: 'ONE Sabbath' Campaign Taps Religion to Fight Poverty
While Jewish and Christian congregations participate in ONE Sabbath, the campaign is also promoting ONE Sadaqa in the Muslim community and ONE Seva in the Hindu community.
Participants of ONE Sabbath are offered resources to help them organize events, including materials developed by SermonCentral.com, Christian hymns, and a DVD curriculum called “Start-Becoming a Good Samaritan” hosted by Pastor John Ortberg. The curriculum features leaders and teachers speaking about the fight against global poverty and disease. Some of the people featured in the DVD include Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, Kay Warren, Jim Wallis, and Rich Stearns. [note: highly connected]
One Sabbath webpage: ONE Sabbath launched! Listen to the call "Last night I was joined by 100 faith leaders from across the country, to launch and begin to plan ONE Sabbath events in churches, mosques, synagogues and temples."
Now, for the truth behind the deceptive grand production:
Below are a few excerpts from the 12-3-08 article and post at the 'follow up' link at top [here] which are intended to give the gist of what this is really all about. There is much more info there, and other relevant links. Recommend reading the complete post, following the links and connecting the dots. This movement will be huge, it may swallow up every other. You need to know about it:
"Merging the world's religions for one world government"
"For successful global management, an efficient network of trained and motivated humanitarian workers that will function efficiently within the 'sustainable-community' based management system known as Agenda 21 is absolutely essential."
"This "ONE Sabbath" multi-faith effort fits perfectly into the Purpose Driver Rick Warren's so called P.E.A.C.E. plan, formally introduced a little more than six months ago with these stated goals:
(quote) "The PEACE Coalition...a new international alliance of churches, businesses, ministries, universities, and other institutions. The coalition will cooperate in a global mission strategy called the P.E.A.C.E. Plan, which is a massive, long range effort to mobilize one billion Christians...[to]...Promote reconciliation; Equip servant leaders; Assist the poor; Care for the sick; and Educate the next generation"
"The scope of this interfaith agenda is absolutely huge and it is interconnected worldwide. It is an integral part of the overall global management scheme and for that reason it must be made to work. It should be understood that there is no alternative. It will come where you are in "the months and years ahead". Be informed"
"Important note: This coming Antichrist will be a Jew, according to the Word of God [here]. Jewish customs e.g. the Sabbath, will need to be instituted worldwide to prepare the way for his global acceptance. With that in mind, it will be well worth the time to go and have a look here: onesabbath (must see)"
Zionist one world government with a one world sabbath-keeping religion...you are seeing it...it's on. Rev. 18:4
Warren Recruits Muslims For One World Religion P.E.A.C.E. Plan 7-5-09
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
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