
Los Angeles A Burn-Down Jan 2025 Blatant In-Your-Face A21 Land Grab Worst Yet - ZNWO Burning Old Order To Ashes Geoengineered - Flamethrowers [3 Vids Pts. 1-3]

_______________ [fill in the blank] burned off the map .. same always -- fires get started in the general vicinity - then the massive msm hype [including fake wind-weather reports] begins - next the specific area i.e. the target-zone is evacuated and locked down - after that anything goes no one to see:

*beyond obvious - 'geoengineered' -- not DEW - highly coordinated military operation - special ops boots on the ground, military-grade equipment, advanced accelerants, explosives, etc, - fast efficient; evacuate, lock down area anything goes - blow and go make short work of it  [vids pts. 1-3 - they go together]:


Pt. 1 AGENDA 21 BURN DOWN YOUR TOWN [original vid 2019]


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src='https://www.bitchute.com/embed/SoTzvLcZdrk1/' width='550' height='309'</iframe>


Pt. 2 BURNED UP MELTED CARS AND METALS - NOT DEW It's Thermite - Watch and See .. [flamethrowers Maui 2023]


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src='https://www.bitchute.com/embed/jfYBkEY7HxzW/' width='550' height='309'</iframe>

Note: Large scale operations like burning towns off the map would obviously use military grade equipment and very advanced highly efficient application techniques [like 911]. Seems not all viewers make this logical connection.


Pt. 3 GEO-FIRES BURNED HOUSES NOT TREES -- NOT DEW It's Flamethrowers - Watch And See


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src='https://www.bitchute.com/embed/1h7iQSTHZUQp/' width='550' height='309'</iframe>

*watch vid to the end - the end is important to see


- out of the hills and get off the coasts sheeple we're taking it ALL for ourselves - go to the nearest 15-min city stack and pack

much more on this highly disturbing incredibly wrong thing happening worldwide topic - need not to repeat here - already documented written said many times over - see all: A21 burndown

Rev. 18:4
Rev. 11:17-18 'We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty which art, and wast, and art to come...[for thou shalt]...destroy them which destroy the earth'

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