
2024 The Last Year - 2025 The NWO Nephilim-World-Order Takeover To Be Done [They Live '88]


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It's 2024 now.. which means this is the last year before full-nephilim..

From the dystopian 1988 cult-classic 'They Live' starring pro wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper. Most are probably familiar with the movie. If not, briefly it was about nephilim-like serpent-seed aliens disguised as humans who had taken over the earth and only those with special sunglasses could see through their 'human disguise'. Piper, having the glasses, is one of those who could 'see'. At a later point, the scene in this clip, they had exchanged the glasses for contact lenses so as to not give themselves away. The clip here is toward the end of the movie. Piper and partner have infiltrated the Nephilim serpent-seed HQ intending to destroy the command center and end up in a ballroom where a celebration is being held announcing the expected date for completion of the planet takeover:

"...our projections show that by the year 2025 not only America but the entire planet will be under the protection and dominion of this power alliance...the gains have been substantial both for ourselves and for you ...the human...power...elite

Movie dated 36 yrs. ago - first day 2024 keeping it light just taking note..

see also: 2023 Year In Review: Would-Be Zionist-World-Order Kicks It Into Overdrive Making Bigger Moves

Rev. 18:4
Daniel 2:43 'And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay'

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