From: Global 'Purpose Driven' Delusion Officially Launched 5-26-08
The globalist agenda to direct and control all aspects of life on the planet is the true design behind the development of this ambitious world-wide 'social-works' network. For successful global management, an efficient network of trained and motivated humanitarian workers that will function efficiently within the 'sustainable-community' based management system known as agenda 21 is absolutely essential. Each individual community will need to be a smooth running part of the whole. To accomplish this, community leaders will need to be equipped, educated and trained, the poor will need assistance, and the sick cared for. (see post )
Exactly what is described above is now being taken to the next level by an organization called, through a movement they call "ONE Sabbath":
"12-3-08 Today, leaders and activists from across the Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Hindu faiths joined ONE for a phone call announcing some news on ONE Sabbath, which is ONE’s multi-faith effort to engage congregations on global poverty and disease issues."
"Each leader had some thoughtful insights on why America’s faith community will play a key role in responding to global poverty in the months and years ahead, and how ONE Sabbath can help...."
(quote) "The PEACE Coalition...a new international alliance of churches, businesses, ministries, universities, and other institutions. The coalition will cooperate in a global mission strategy called the P.E.A.C.E. Plan, which is a massive, long range effort to mobilize one billion Christians in local churches around the world...P.E.A.C.E. is an acronym for Promote reconciliation; Equip servant leaders; Assist the poor; Care for the sick; and Educate the next generation." see: Global 'Purpose Driven' Delusion Officially Launched
The scope of this interfaith agenda is absolutely huge and it is interconnected worldwide. It is an integral part of the overall global management scheme and for that reason it must be made to work. It should be understood that there is no alternative. It will come where you are in "the months and years ahead". Be informed.
"Campus Leaders from the 100 top schools will get transportation and most expenses paid for three days in our nation’s capitol. They’ll hear from top members of the global poverty movement, influential members of the Democratic and Republican parties, and ONE staff. And new this year, we’ll be visiting Congressional offices for a full day of hands-on advocacy training."
Merging religions? Putting aside differences and joining hands to build a better world is the sales pitch, but the reality is that this is the forming of the biblically predicted one world religion. This is not something good. The Word of God shows a united but thoroughly corrupted one world religion (here) giving worship to the Antichrist and that it will happen in the days when a one world government comes together. This very picture is coming into sharp focus. It should be understood that the 'ONE' people are coming for you too* 'unite the whole world as one'. one world
Related, each touching on equally important but different aspects of this topic, recommend reading and connecting dots:
Adopt-A-School, World Government, And Apostate Dominionists 10-5-08
Bush, 'World Leaders' At U.N. To Press For 'Global Religion' 11-1-08*
World Religious Leaders Call For Mobilization of Religions For Social Works 7-11-08
Blair, Yale, Antichrist World Religion 9-23-08