...to offer brief prayers. After a bowl of holy water is poured into the ocean, some grab their boards and hit the waves.
For about 400 interfaith worshipers, the shoreline became a makeshift church as Catholics, Jews and Muslims gathered for an unusual "blessing of the waves."
The service, sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, was directed by a pair of surf-loving priests. Fathers Christian Mondor and Matt Munoz chose the Sunday after the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi -- the patron saint of ecology, as well as for animals -- for the event as a reminder that the ocean and its ecosystem must be protected.
Rick Ischinger, a longtime surfer, blew on a conch shell, calling the gathering to order. Then, one by one, the representatives of different faiths stood to give a brief prayer.
Fawad Yacoob of the Islamic Society of Orange County recited a verse from the Koran. The crowd was quiet as he sang the prayer.
When the prayers were finished, the Catholic priests took long stems of rosemary, dipped them in a large wooden bowl filled with holy water and sprinkled the crowd.
Irma Fortin of Costa Mesa took the bowl of holy water and poured it into the ocean.
Catholics, Jews, Muslims...harmonizing in the sand
Sustainable green communities joining spiritual hands for the common good and to save the earth is without question the designed method to create what is called "social solidarity". That there is a cohesive oneness within each of the global management units aka green communities is deemed important for smooth functioning of the overall system. Merging the various religions is critical to the success of the plan. This cozy little scene on a southern California beach provides a sneak peek at one of these futuristic sustainable community interfaith ceremonies. Holy water for everybody. Rev. 18:4
compare: global interspiritual day
2 Thes. 2:10-11 "..because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
......I'm speechless,
Which faith won the competition?
AB Leever
dude...noooo...there's no competition possible in the world of interspirituality and ecosystem worship...we must all be of one mind...for the harmony of the planet dude
it's cool bro...don't judge my 'worship style' and I won't judge your 'surfing style'...
hast thou not heard...judge not thy brother's surfing and thy surfing shalt not be judged
and besides that, there are many 'way-ves' to heaven, um...I hope...um...I think...um...isn't there?
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Heh heh....ex-ns.....you're quite witty.
i was thinking of Jn 3 and Luke 21:34-36.
BTW, there's no surf today, but people are still out there....hoping in the wrong thing, a big wave....maybe a "storm surge" wave.
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