Miracle: Global financial integration appears 'ab chao' (out of the chaos):
------------------------------------Fed Says ECB, Others to Offer Unlimited Dollar Funds BloombergOct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Federal Reserve led an unprecedented push by central banks to flood financial markets with dollars, backing up government efforts to restore confidence in the banking system.
The ECB [European Central bank], the Bank of England and the Swiss central bank will offer unlimited dollar funds in auctions with maturities of seven days, 28 days and 84 days at a fixed interest rate, the Washington-based Fed said today. The Bank of Japan may introduce ``similar measures.'' The dollar declined and some money-market rates fell.
`Work Together' The ECB, the BOE and the Swiss National Bank ``can provide U.S. dollar funding in quantities sufficient to meet their demand'' into 2009, the Fed said today.
Today's ``action is unprecedented,'' said Neil Mackinnon, chief economist at ECU Plc in London and a former U.K Treasury official.
related: Mitsubishi Buys Stake In Morgan Stanley AFP Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group has bought a 21 percent stake in Wall Street bank Morgan Stanley for nine billion dollars, the companies said Monday.
The deal received a greenlight from US federal authorities a week ago and could be concluded Tuesday after a mandatory legal delay.
update and quoted comment from previous post: Globalizing the U.S. Economy And Martial Law 10/3/08: "The globalization of the economy will be the sure winner coming out of the passage of the 'bailout', which will become readily apparent soon enough, and with that the globalization of the entire country. That involves, without question, the transition into the Agenda 21 community-based governance model...." *****
Now it can be seen:
re: "Work Together: The ECB, the BOE and the Swiss National Bank 'can provide U.S. dollar funding...'"
Some absolutely incredible things have occurred as a result of the financial chaos that swept over the country and the world just last week. As the whirlwind fizzles out a bit, unbelievable and amazing as anything could be, all the broken pieces of the old system have landed in just the right places to form an instantly globalized integrated financial system. In an "unprecedented action", the European Central bank, the Bank of England, and the Swiss National Bank, will all be working together now to "fund" America. The Bank of Japan may also be involved and reportedly is considering "introducing similar measures". Furthering the globalization is Mitsubishi's acquisition of a 21% stake in Wall Street bank Morgan Stanley, as seen in the second article. The same things are happening throughout the European countries.
A couple more things to note. Language is always telling and here is no exception. What was previously called a 'bailout' has now been renamed. Now it is a "rescue plan". All these tremendous and permanent life-as-we-know-it changing events are to now be seen as a 'rescue' of the people. The financial system of the country and the world has now effectively been taken over by the self-proclaimed rescuers, the saviours of the world. It will take much more work certainly before the system is complete, more smoke and mirrors will be needed as it is all brand new, but the important thing to see is that the 'saviours' have essentially gained control. The deed is done, the rest is details. And, they have done us all a huge favor they would have us believe.
The world is now forever changed, but few will see or understand and will continue to allow their minds to be deluded by the propaganda masters of the NWO (the same who pulled the 'bailout' name switch) with their mindless television offerings, the flat-out deceptive bureau of propaganda news programs, and for the next few weeks the illusionary 'Election 2008' productions. Do not be one of the deluded masses succumbing to the mindless fare of those who intend to enslave the world.
One more 'language' related thing to note and it may be very interesting. Note in the 2nd paragraph of the top article the use of the phrase "Washington-based Fed". Why is that noteworthy? It is a subtle but clear signal of the worldwide economic globalisation agenda. The bottom line is this, and it will be possibly sooner than later, but the globalists who are in fact actually all Zionists are finished with Washington D.C. (see: 'bailing out' of America). They are preparing to move to another location for their base of operations. This will be in the middle east...probably initially being established in and through the Mediterranean Union (see: One World Kingdom Birthing). This country, no longer needed to achieve the end goal of global control, will be then merged into the regional global governance system. Prophetic biblical view, read:
The Final Conflict, Coming Victory The 'beast' has been unleashed.
The fourth beast.....shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. (Dan. 7:23)
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