Asian and European Leaders Urge New Financial Rules
SHANGHAI, Oct. 25 -- Leaders from Asia and Europe on Saturday called for new rules and stronger regulation of the global monetary and financial system at the close of a two-day summit in Beijing as China assumed a new leadership role in the crisis.
"We are very glad to see that many countries have taken measures that have initially proved effective. But this is not enough given the current situation, and more needs to be done," Wen (China) said Saturday, a day after dire corporate earnings reports from all corners of the world pushed Wall Street to a five-year low.
In a joint statement, the more than 40 world leaders in attendance -- including Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy -- said they recognized "the need to improve the supervision and regulation of all financial actors, in particular their accountability" and pledged "to undertake effective and comprehensive reform of the international monetary and financial systems."
re: "China assumed a new leadership role"
Although little understood by the masses because of the unrelenting NWO propaganda program of 'perception management' through distraction and diversion, the United States as we know it will simply not be a player in the re-configured globalized world:
quote from: Foreign Banks To 'Fund' USA (10-13-08): "The bottom line is this, and it will be possibly sooner than later, but the globalists who are in fact actually all Zionists are finished with Washington D.C. (see: 'bailing out' of America). They are preparing to move to another location for their base of operations. This will be in the middle east...probably initially being established in and through the Mediterranean Union (see: One World Kingdom Birthing). This country, no longer needed to achieve the end goal of global control, will be then merged into the regional global governance system."
"All corners of the world", we are told, are in dire financial straights. To remedy this situation, 40 so-called world leaders have "pledged" to basically do 'whatever it takes'. This solution will involve, they are saying, the "supervision and regulation of all financial actors" in the world. This can only lead to the "supervision and regulation" of every person on the earth through that financial system. Here is the birthing of the 666 system, believe it or not.
The globalization script is calling for Bush to hold the global summit on Nov. 15 '08. More summits will follow as the agenda is now being fast-tracked. The soon to be global citizens, from each of their respective regions, must first have their 'perception' of these "very large and radical changes" carefully manipulated though, so as to ease them into their new lives of servitude to the 666 'beast'. This involves being taken through a number of steps.
The global transformation change process is here taking a huge step.
see also: Six European Nations Merge Economies 10-15-08
The sleeping Christian church will also be manipulated and fall victim to the deceptive change process, according to the Word of God in the book of 2nd Thessalonians. Don't be included. see: The "falling away" (2 Thes. 2:3)
also: Professing Christians Awake
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