The City Council of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s financially troubled capital, filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday, a surprise move that was immediately opposed by the mayor and Gov. Tom Corbett, who argued that the filing was illegal under state law.
The filing — which listed debts in excess of $400 million, largely associated with a failed trash incinerator — pitched the city into political confusion.
Council members like Brad Koplinski, who voted for the filing, acknowledged that it was an extraordinary move, but argued that the petition was legal, and even necessary because the mayor’s state-backed plan for financial overhaul had been rejected by the Council. The Council has been locked in battle with Ms. Thompson for months, voting to reject her plan largely on the ground that it demanded too little from creditors.
The petition states that the city is “in imminent jeopardy through six pending legal actions by creditors” who are associated with the city’s failed trash incinerator project, which has saddled the city with debts that are more than quadruple its annual budget. Meeting those legal demands would “substantially interrupt the city’s ability to provide health or safety services to its citizens,” the petition said. The amount of debt, the petition states, “is vastly beyond the ability of the city to pay.”
The filing comes a week before the State Senate is set to consider a bill, already passed by the House, that would authorize Governor Corbett to assume responsibility for most of the city’s finances, something that some members of the Council had been trying to prevent. Under that possibility, the city would be placed in a kind of financial receivership and the governor would choose a manager to steer the process.
re: "pitched the city into political confusion"
Confusion is just another word for chaos. The new order only comes out of created chaos. Here we can see clearly that a new order of a virtual takeover of the city's finances by an "appointee" is already in the works. Under the plan, already half-way there having "passed the House", the city goes into "receivership", and suddenly it is then under the control of private interests. This is unbelievably devious.
As has been stated many times, as the USA is morphed into the kabalist communitarian-global-system known as Agenda 21, state and local governments will be completely dismantled. A21 is a 'privatized' global system. The single goal is to own, i.e. exercise private control, over the entire planet, including especially all persons. Nothing less. Invented financial crises, as being exampled in Pennsylvania, are simply the mechanism to accomplish the goal by deception. As the existing system is made to 'fail', pass an emergency measure...and bam...swoop in and take over.
It's being done all through Europe on a national level right now. The separate nations are having their economies collapsed and are being absorbed financially one by one into the 'New Consolidated Europe'. Same methodology - economic collapse and "receivership".
Expect to see the 'Pennsylvania model' taken to many other localities nationwide.
This world is run by men who serve devils.
'Come out of her, my people' Rev. 18:4
Deuteronomy 32:17 'They sacrificed unto devils, not to God'
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