Nashville - In the wake of the Hank Williams Jr controversy that began with his comments about President Obama on 'Fox and Friends' and ended with his dismissal from Monday Night Football, Hank did what songwriters do best, he wrote and recorded a song about it.
Williams was suspended by ESPN and dismissed days later after the country music superstar compared Obama playing golf with John Boehner to Hitler playing golf with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "Not hardly. In the shape this country is in," said Williams.
Williams' claims the decision to part company with ESPN was made by him after ESPN suspended him from Monday Night Football following the airing of the Fox and Friends episode over a week ago.
re: "don't tread on me...just wait and see"
Cui bono - who benefits? First, in the magical-kabalist-kingdom of Babylon things that fit the NWO agenda perfectly in one or more areas, and are timed perfectly as well, never 'just happen'. Case in point - this obviously scripted little episode with country music-NFL-ESPN iconic figure Hank Williams Jr. who, on national television, makes certain comments only to be censured and subsequently 'fired'.
So far we have what amounts to a dramatic little production which serves nicely in taking the NWO attack against 'free speech' to the next level. Okay, that one is easy...we get it. But this scene is not over yet, it still has a surprising twist to it. Said country music icon decides to 'retaliate'....and strikes back with a little song about the "United Socialist States of America....don't tread on me...just wait and see". And remarkably, it's just in time for the growing 'unrest' across the land.
What an ingenious plot twist this is from the NWO architects-of-chaos. It makes for a perfect rebel-theme-song for the rising 'revolu-zion USA' [see video], and, at the same time, defending 'free speech', sure to fire up a whole new crowd, can now be added to the list of causes.
How to destabilize a nation: Agent provocateur-ism 101. This is how it's done in mystical magical Babylon. Rev. 18:4
'Obviously-scripted-no-free-speech' related: National Clergy Council Tells Pastor to Apologize for 'Mormon Is a Cult' Comments 10-11-11 "The National Clergy Council, representing church leaders from all Christian traditions, has called for evangelical pastor Robert Jeffress to apologize to GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney and all other Americans offended by his comments saying Mormonism is a cult.
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