Follow up on: Next Phase Of NWO Plan To Strip Freedom: 'Suicide Bombers' In America 1-24-10 "Do not be at all surprised if you see some suicide-bomber 'special effects' added for realism at some point, designed to convince John Q. Public that it is in his best interest to be stripped of more and more of his freedom. That is how the script reads, and they are reading it out loud." [see post]
Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades
STOCKHOLM — No one died except for the suspected bomber, but two explosions in Sweden's capital tore at the fabric of this tolerant and open nation — a society that hadn't seen a terrorist attack in more than three decades.
re: 'tore at the fabric'
Just a few days ago it was a supposed car-bomb attempt at a military recruitment post in a shopping center in Maryland [AFP]. A few weeks ago it was the 'mis-fire' by the alleged Portland teen-jihadist at the Christmas tree ceremony [here]. Both in this country. But peaceful quiet Sweden must also be brought into the morphing 'global security' system. And so right on cue - an incident. And as a result of it's first ever 'suicide bomber'; although the 'blamed-bomber' no longer exists - if there really was one, and as the 'fabric of the country is torn' - so convenient on both points; the 'global-security-monster' is guaranteed to get a jumpstart way up north in the land of the Swedes.
But the NWO Bureau of Propaganda always plans their moves so as to get the most 'bang' for their buck and that is what they have done here. Surely if this can happen in Sweden of all places it can happen anywhere is the subliminal message intended. The effect is international. Although just 'near-misses' still, the idea of bombs going off anywhere anytime is being instilled into the subconscious minds of the masses - the new way of life in the new supposedly 'terrorized' world that we all live in. And when blamed on a 'suicide-bomber'...who can say any different?
All of this also complements the DHS's new "See Something Say Something" 'desensitizing-program' [here]. This program is intended to train America to be expecting and looking for it. Cui bono?
It is not hard to see where this is going. Be informed.
'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come' 2Tim. 3:1 [but] Proverbs 18:10 'The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe' [cf. Phil. 2:9-10 hover]
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