Cancun climate agreement: Analysis of the text telegraph.co.uk
The Cancun agreement commits the world to a series of decisions under the United Nations. But what has the world agreed to?
[here are four key points that the world has 'agreed' on]
1) That climate change is "one of the greatest challenges of our time."
2) That fighting climate change requires a paradigm shift that requires "more sustainable production and consumption and lifestyles".
3) That the world needs to make "deep cuts" in carbon emissions.
4) To set up an adaptation committee to help poor countries...
re: 'agreement'
While being heavily downplayed in the mainstream propaganda sources as making relatively small gains, what just went down during the last two weeks in Cancun Mexico was tremendously significant. In terms of garnering an agreement which will allow the global-government green-agenda to be officially put into motion, the UNFCC was a resounding success. More than 190 countries signed the "Cancun Agreement", with Bolivia being the sole exception, interestingly enough claiming that it was "totally inadequate", i.e. not good enough.
The most important thing to note is the fact that the governments of the world have now for the first time ever just agreed 'officially' that the 'go-green' scam is real: "it is one of the greatest challenges of our times" said they. That alone is an amazing thing and reveals the tremendous amount of control world-wide that the self-appointed would-be global overlords have achieved. The governments of the world are now obeying their dictates.
In light of that 'acknowledgment' that so-called climate-change is real...a "paradigm shift" must occur, say they. A 'paradigm shift' means a radical foundational change in every aspect of society. Also agreed to is that 'deep carbon cuts' must be instituted across the board.
'Paradigm shifting' and 'deep carbon cuts translated from globalspeak into English would read something along these lines...'you will have to make due with wind and solar power on your plantations, peons' [see: Back To The Farms, Says Gore].
And the fourth of the key things officially agreed to is that...'the poor countries should be helped'. This is more globalspeak and should be translated as..."forcing the new global regulatory-system upon the so-called '3rd-world' nations".
With this signed agreement, the 'green-door' has been blown wide open to begin implementation on the 'international level' of every aspect of the global micro-management system disguised as environmental salvation. Coupled with the signed "Mexico City Pact" [see link at top] at the 'city level', a definite 'world government framework' to control all activity on the planet (through restrictive green-regulations) is now OPENLY taking shape for the first time ever. Rev. 18:4
One world government is bible prophecy coming true before your eyes. Not all believe. That will not change anything. Read some here for yourself if you will: As It Was In The Days Of Noah - CHM
Genesis 8:22 'While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease'
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