Europe to ban hundreds of herbal remedies
Hundreds of herbal medicinal products will be banned from sale in Britain next year under what campaigners say is a "discriminatory and disproportionate" European law.
re: "EU-wide ban"
Nobody operates outside the Big Brother system. Unless the herbal remedies are 'Big Brother-licensed' and the providers are 'Big Brother-registered' the herbal supplement-ers are out of business.
It was only one year ago that the EU passed the Lisbon Treaty which morphed the 27-nation alliance into a prototypical NWO 'Superstate' [here]. This has made possible the "EU-wide ban" on herbal supplements.
But the global agenda extends beyond Europe of course which is why the U.S. Congress just last week passed the so-called "Food Safety" plan [see 'update' above] which submits America to the exact same thing i.e. the "global codex requirements". Take note. Exactly what is happening in Europe in four months will also happen here in the U.S.A. before long. Big Brother will be the supplement monopoly over the entire earth. That is what it is all about.
Totalitarian micromanagement of the planet aka six-six-six. You are seeing it happen. Rev. 18:4
Rev. 13:17 'And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name'.
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