A year after a foiled plot to bomb a US-bound passenger plane, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told CNN's "State of the Union" program that other places and modes of transportation must now be scrutinized.
"We look at so-called soft targets -- the hotels, shopping malls, for example -- all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees," Napolitano said.
"And so we have enhanced measures going on at surface transportation, not because we have a specific or credible threat there, but because we know, looking at Madrid and London, that's been another source of targets for terrorists."
re: 'soft targets...enhanced measures'
No details are given in this article as to exactly what "enhanced measures" are being taken. It is not difficult though to imagine what the Big Brother NWO-er's have in mind for this next phase of the 666 dictatorship-ing of America. Besides nude-photos and sexual molestation it might mean that they are preparing to begin the roll-out of their Orwellian F.A.S.T. program, first revealed by the 'DHS' about nine months ago:
The F.A.S.T. program - mobile mind-screening checkpoints 3-21-10 [DHS video]
"The next phase of 'Brave New World' population management techniques are right around the corner, and, we are being told, will be utilizing "behavioral and physiological screening technologies". Not only is the body to be laid bare, but, the mind also." Anybody want to go to the mall?
Psalms 115:11 "Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD"
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