On the call were 10 groups, including the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, United Church of Christ's Heath Care Justice ministry and the Girl Scouts Council of the Nation's Capital.
She said the new Let's Move: Faith and Communities effort is meant to support what is already working and highlight those accomplishments. A virtual tool kit with tips and ideas is available to help groups expand their efforts under the umbrella of the Let’s Move! campaign.
There will be a Washington, D.C., kickoff event for the new faith initiative. Though the event has not yet been scheduled, the first lady invited all faith groups on the call to attend to share ideas for the new faith and community initiative, celebrate accomplishments and commit to new goals.
Already 50 groups have accepted the challenges, including First AME Church of Los Angeles, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Progressive National Baptist Convention.
re: 'the umbrella of the Let's Move! campaign'
The key operative phrase to understand here is "under the umbrella". Whose agenda takes priority when one or more organizations submit themselves to the directives of another? It is not a trick question. The organization that is gathering the others under it's 'umbrella' does so for one reason only - to utilize them in forwarding their own goals.
As here with over 50 groups having been signed up to now make the goals of 'Let's Move!' a priority in their own organizations. These groups will now be called to change their individual focus, the very thing that made them unique, and to instead concentrate on the common goal of M. Obama's new "faith and community initiative". Even though the 'kickoff event' has not taken place yet, they are already being asked to "share ideas" and to "commit to new goals".
Faith and community? The question that should be asked by any participant is..."Whose goal is this exactly, and where did it originate?"
The answer is: This is the one world government strategy to incorporate 'faith groups' and non-profits like the Girl Scouts [here] into the Agenda 21 model of community-based management - bringing them under the umbrella - so as to place them into the management network of the global system [here] . Michelle Obama Starts Let's Move; and Globalism 2-10-10 "...a top-down micromanagement of the planet through the use of 'coalitions'. The basic idea, ultimately, is a worldwide grid of an interconnected and interdependent 'network of coalitions', or "partnerships", covering every aspect of life, answering only to the all-powerful one-world government."
'Rock Church' San Diego Models One World Government System 11-25-09 "The fabricated financial crisis is being used to jumpstart the final transition of America into the communitarian model...community volunteers replacing government paid workers and government provided services" 'Let's Move' has moved into the National Restaraunt Association (see update link at top), is moving into the nation's schools (see: 'Let's Move' to put up to 5,000 salad bars in schools; 11-19-10), and is now expanding their reach again. From all appearances it looks like the NWO-ers are really running with this one. Recommend 'moving' out of their reach. Rev. 18:4[follow interconnected links, connect dots] update 12-03-1012-14-10 update------------------------------------------------------
Proverbs 2:6 'For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding'