Olmert calls on world to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons xinhuanet.com
JERUSALEM, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Sunday that the world must stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Olmert made the remarks during the United Jewish Communities General Assembly (GA), an annual conference, held in Jerusalem this year with thousands of participants from the North America.
"Iran has not terminated its pursuit of nuclear weapons.... We must confront Iran's malevolent diligence and thwart it with great force," the prime minister was quoted by local daily Ha'aretz as saying.
"We must all do whatever we can to prevent it."
re: "the world must stop Iran".."with great force"
This latest and very serious statement from the Israeli Prime Minister Olmert represents a huge and ominous 'upping of the ante' in the Zionist global conquest rhetoric. Six months ago Olmert was calling for a naval blockade of Iran 5-21-08. Now he is trumpeting the call for a much stronger action...for "the world" to come together and use "great force" against the nation of Iran. The ramifications of an Iranian war are far reaching. Think of the Persian Gulf and oil supply/prices for just one example. If that scenario were to develop it would also be very conducive to the transitioning of the U.S. into the micromanaged 'green' future that the globalists have in mind for North America.
compare: 9/8/08 U.S., Israel To Strike Iran From Georgia?
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