Dobson editing radio show to avoid 'hate crimes' laws: worldnetdaily
"WND reported just a week ago on a Christian ministry based in Canada that essentially was ordered shut down under that nation's "hate crimes" laws which prevent Christians from expressing Biblical opinions on a wide range of issues." see: shot-across-bow
"Now comes confirmation from the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, one of the largest Christian publishing and broadcasting organizations in the nation, that it has been reviewing, and if necessary editing, its broadcasts to avoid complications with Canadian "hate crimes" laws."
"In a statement attributed to Gary Booker, director of global content creation for Focus, the organization confirmed that broadcast standards have a "dynamic nature.""
"Parameters regarding what can be said (and how it should be said) are communicated by Focus on the Family Canada to our content producers here at Focus on the Family in the U.S. To the best of our ability, programming is then produced with Canadian law in mind," Focus continued."
and right on cue...
Muslim, UN outrage over Dutch anti-Islam film: ynetnews
Muslim nations, the European Union and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday expressed outrage at an anti-Islam film posted on the Internet by a far-right Dutch lawmaker.
"I condemn in the strongest terms the airing of Geert Wilders' offensively anti-Islamic film," the UN chief said in a statement. "There is no justification for hate speech or incitement to violence."
Now as seen here, the UN and EU are on board with this one. The agenda moves forward. See progression of story from last week: sending-signal
Condemning by Ban Ki-Moon, "hate crimes", "editing broadcasts", "outrage", what can be said or not said, etc. One phrase in one of the Focus on the Family quotes tells the whole story: "Global content creation". All of the 'players' are now singing that very song, in perfect harmony, as never before. Universally acceptable interreligion only thank you. No 'interreligious dissent' aka "hate speech" will be tolerated......we're trying to build a global kingdom here!
It should be understood that this is only going to increase, i.e. the 'quashing' of dissent. It will become much louder and more prevalent. Be aware. The prophetic clock is reading very late. Are you minding the time?
see hate crime laws in US?: christian-broadcasters-are-warned
also Radically Transforming Christianity: will-you-bow-the-knee?
2Thessalonians 2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
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