The latest SCOTUS 'denial of inquiry':Taitz’ Application for stay in Lightfoot Vs Bowen denied by the US Supreme Court:
The application for stay addressed to The Chief Justice and referred to the Court is denied.
Excerpted from Taitz press release 1-26-09:
The Supreme Court has logged this petition as an application for stay pending filing a writ of certiorari. Since they denied the emergency petition today, it gives me an opportunity to file immediately the actual Writ of Certiorari and it will be done within a few days. However, a number of things have transpired lately. First, an exparte private closed door meeting between 8 out of 9 Justices of the Supreme Court (Justice Samuel Alito was not present) with Mr. Barry Soetoro-Barack Hussein Obama. I will file a motion to the Chief Jastice [sic] to compel the records of this private meeting, that was held only a few days before my case was supposed to be heard, where the plaintiffs state that Mr. Soetoro-Obama is illegitimate for presidency due to the fact that his father was a foreign subject and there is no evidence that Mr. Obama was really born in Hawaii,
In spite of 32 legal actions filed around the country, Mr. Soetoro-Obama refused to provide his original birth certificate
The swearing of Mr. Obama is null and void due to the fact that he was sworn in on a name that is not legally his name and he is a foreign subject from birth and now and never qualified as a Natural Born US Citizen.
On Wednesday, January the 21st, when the Supreme Court reopened for business after inauguration, somebody deleted from the external docket all information about my case. Millions of people around the country and around the world watched that docket. A number of concerned parties have called the Supreme Court and got no explanation. Other cases were on the docket. Finally, information about my case was re-entered on the docket. I will be demanding from the Chief Justice John Roberts an immediate full investigation, as to how the information about a case of National and World importance, dealing with Mr Soetoro- Obama's illegitimacy for Presidency, disappeared from the docket of the Supreme Court.
Watergate investigation started with a small hotel braking [sic]. Obamagate Congressional and Senatorial investigation will start with this breaking into the computer system of the Supreme Court of the United States and illegal deletion of all the information about my case from the external public docket.
SCOTUS, Congress...ignoring the voice of the people; and 'revolution'?
32 non-eligibility cases filed and not a single one has yet been heard on it's merits. From the various lower courts of the land to Congress to the Supreme Court so-called, the NWO power and control over this country has been openly demonstrated in an undeniable fashion with the Operation Obama 'Election 2008' production. But, as seen above with the Taitz case, it's not over yet. Some other cases are still active also, and any one or more of these may yet provide the backdrop for creating the promised constitutional crisis. Stay aware...
On a related note, certain unknown individuals have decided to begin what they are calling a 'revolution'. This is posted here for informational purposes only, and is in no way an endorsement of the 'Facebook 2009 Tea Party'. As previously stated in other posts, fomenting some sort of 'revolution' is exactly what the globalist instigators of 'ordo ab chao' would like to see happen, and more likely than not their agent provocateurs are already on the job. This is real people, the pieces of the puzzle are being put in place. Be aware.
This was posted today on the Taitz site:
"There is a new movement starting called - The 2009 Tea Party
-the purpose is to let Congress know just how we feel about their performances. On Feb. 1st we ask that every American send to their Senators and Congressmen a postcard, e-mail, etc. with a picture of a tea bag and this greeting:
2009 Tea Party
We're Mad as #%@
and we're not going to take it ANYMORE
Welcome to the Revolution
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