Iceland's government is on the point of collapse as angry protesters stake out the parliament in Reykjavik
re: "ordinary Icelanders...determined to take their country back"
It's the first day back for the parliament since Christmas and apparently a 'revolution' has begun in Iceland, according to sources. The situation is ongoing at present, with reports of pepper spray being fired at the 'protesters'. Ordinary people in a standoff with and demanding the resignation of their parliament, and all this "without much organization or central planning", according to the writer of this article. Not likely. The ordo ab chao is evident here.
Now here is the question, and it has been suggested here previously, but it seems to be taking some actual shape now, post-inauguration. Is the same thing being planned for this country? Ordo ab chao revolution that is, to destabilize the entire society. Are the agent provocateurs already at work? Here is an interesting post found on the Orly Taitz website this morning. Taitz is one of the attorneys with a still-pending case against what's his name. They are literally calling to begin a "resistance" movement: (quote)
"If you agree that this is serious, you can join the "resistance". (No, I'm not asking people to take up arms against the government. Hopefully, it won't come to that. But, given Obama's obvious disdain for the Constitution so far, don't be surprised if THEY decided to take up arms against US. What will you do then??) How can you join the resistance? There are links to most everything you need to get started -- already on my Web site." from: drorly.blogspot
compare, follow links: Oakland 'Civil Unrest' Update #1: The Plot Thickens 1-16-09
Again, for the NWO to rise, the old order must be destroyed. This explains Iceland. Be aware. The global 'civil unrest' buzz is growing louder by the day 12-27-08, and that includes this country.
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