Feds Plan 'Surge' if Mexico Drug Violence Spills Into U.S. If Mexican drug violence spills across the U.S. border, Homeland Security officials say they have a contingency plan to assist border areas that includes bringing in the military.
The plan includes federal homeland security agents helping local authorities and maybe even military assistance from the Department of Defense, possibly including aircraft, armored vehicles and special teams to go to areas overwhelmed with violence, authorities said.
The contingency plan was news to most border states.
He said National Guard officials in California know only "what's been publicized" about the plan, but added that state military officials routinely train and prepare to respond to any order from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger or the president.
Katherine Cesinger, a spokeswoman for Texas Gov. Rick Perry, said Texas officials were briefed on the plan but were not consulted beforehand about a plan to fight Mexican drug cartels on the 2,000-mile U.S. border, more than half of which is in Texas.
Officials with New Mexico's Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management said they are in constant contact with federal Homeland Security officials but weren't aware of any specific security plan that could include Department of Defense assets.
Homeland Security officials did not respond to questions about which local or state agencies were notified about the surge plan.
re: "bringing in the military....aircraft, armored vehicles, special teams"
"Bringing in the military" is exactly what is and what must happen to finalize the deconstruction of the United States of America and transition it into the Antichrist one world government system. That deconstruction is in the very last stages and this explains the military's steadily expanding presence in matters of local law enforcement.
Bottom line for the globalist agenda is that at this point the basic preparations for actually transitioning the U.S., Canada, and Mexico into the regional global government system, aka Agenda 21, have for the most part been completed. The general framework is in place and there is nothing left to do but to take the next step which is to fully implement the agenda for this 'region' of the globe. The only problem now, in reality, is that to pull it off, it will have to be forced. Military rule will be necessary to accomplish the takeover.
The globalists have no plan 'b', which is why the military is now openly beginning to take control across the board. Time is growing ever shorter by the day which is to say that the 'forced changeover' is growing ever closer by the day. Be aware because life will never be the same in the 'new world order', and that is the harsh reality.
compare these links:
Military Policing California Highway 12-15-08 "The combined mutual cooperation between the Marine Corps Military Police and State enforcement officers will begin somewhere along Highway 62."
Atlanta Cops Get Speedy Hi-Tech APC 10-13-08 (armored vehicles in civilian law enforcement)--------------------------------------------------------------
As the Antichrist global system rises, the only hope for anyone is to 'flee the wrath to come'. Here's how:
"...if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10:9