'The effort will be anchored by approximately two dozen officers and staff members with the state Department of Land and Natural Resources along with a Coast Guard cutter and two smaller boats."
"DLNR will help with launching, boater education and checking equipment but will also cite violators and arrest people if necessary, said Ed Underwood, administrator for the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation."
"For now, the effort is planned only on major holiday weekends at Kane'ohe Bay, including the Fourth of July and Labor Day."
"But the program is expected to expand across the state, Underwood said."
Ward said that although the department has worked with the Coast Guard before, this is the first time a concerted effort of this size has been conducted.
""DLNR's effort is also a wake-up call to boaters to make sure their vessels are seaworthy and safe for their passengers," Ward said."
re: first time concerted effort...Coast guard partnering with the State of Hawaii
Although not identified as such, this state of Hawaii "unprecedented pilot project" fits the exact description of the gestapo Department of 'Homeland' Security's brand new program, the "Small Vessel Security Strategy ". This new federal program comes with numerous new layers of bureaucracy, as well as suggesting the development of electronic tracking requirements for recreational boaters. (click SVSS link above)
It's 'Big Brother' on the water, and it's up and running here on the island of Oahu as of this weekend, and will be expanding statewide according to Ed Underwood, the administrator for the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation. As the subtitle says, the Kaneohe sandbar is just the "first stop".
Hawaiian recreational boaters, looks like the 'phasing in' of the SVSS has begun in the islands....you are about to be controlled, monitored, regulated, and tracked. Bye bye freedoms...
more info...click links, connect the dots:
SVSS Coast guard/state partnerships: recreational-boaters-to-be-netted;
also: ocean-surveillance-grid
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