Kissinger at Peres conference: Timetable needed to combat global nuclear threat:haaretz
"Kissinger spoke before an audience of world leaders and dignitaries, saying that one of the major global shifts today is the rise of fundamentalism and radicalism. Compounded by the rise in nuclear weapon development, he said, this shift represents a historic turning point.
"The Nobel Prize laureate added that the Iranian nuclear threat....... is also an existential threat to the world and must be addressed internationally."
He stressed that when groups such as the Security Council voice objection to nuclear weapons development, they must do so with specific instructions and a defined timetable, otherwise, the situation will only deteriorate.
In conclusion, Kissinger said that it was the joint interest of many world nations to prevent the rise of fundamentalism and to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction."
re: "historic turning point" and "existential threat to the world"
The language could not be any stronger, nor could the audience be of any higher level than the "world leaders and dignitaries" in attendance at this conference. The message is loud and clear for any who have managed to retain the ability to think independently of the controlled mass media new world order propaganda shills. Congratulations if you have, most have not.
According to Kissinger the time has come to act in order to save the world, the various enemies having now been identified, and the world must respond in one accord, says he. The stage is set and the showtimes, i.e. timetables, are to be scheduled. Iran is the chief villain and the next one slated for conquest by the 666 "beast with great iron teeth that devours the whole world" (Daniel 7:7,23). see: mandatory-global-integration
As always, other hidden messages can be found by discerning the use of specific language i.e. buzzwords. In this case it is to be noted that "fundamentalism" and "radicalism" are grouped together as being one and the same, and portrayed as enemies to be dealt with, comparable to nuclear weapons. Kissinger then singles out "fundamentalism", describing it as something that, in the "joint interest of many world nations", needs to be prevented.
Christian, those of you, that is, not in name only as many, but those who will not relinquish the truth of salvation through the sacrificial atoning blood of the only "Lamb of God", the Lord Jesus Christ, and who will not accept the broad road of the one-world anti-christian interreligious compromise, are already included in the "fundamentalist" category and are already regarded as the enemy whether you can see it yet or not. ( see: will-you-bow-knee)
Why? It's simple really....the coming Antichrist hates the real Christ!
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