excerpts from speech by Ban Ki-Moon on "World Water Day":
"(New York, 20 March 2008) - At the United Nations, March 22nd is World Water Day. We don’t expect people to stop what they are doing and observe a moment of silence – but maybe they should."
"Water is essential to survival. Unlike oil, there are no substitutes. But today, fresh water resources are stretched thin. Population growth will make the problem worse. So will climate change. As the global economy grows, so will its thirst."
"This September, I will gather top-level officials from across the world at a summit in New York on how to reach the Goals, particularly in Africa. In the meantime, we need to begin thinking about better strategies for managing water—for using it efficiently and sharing it fairly. This means partnerships involving not just governments but civil society groups, individuals and businesses." (e.g.Lion's clubs)
"We are at the early stages of this awakening."
"Earlier this month, members of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative, gathered in New York for a meeting on water. The companies in that room had a total worth of about half a trillion dollars with employees in some 200 countries."
"The main theme: moving beyond the mere use of water to stewardship. This translates into a commitment to engage with the United Nations, governments and civil groups to protect what is becoming an increasingly scarce resource and ensure that local communities benefit."
and another interesting article:
"(New York, 14 March 2008) – The United Nations Global Compact and Lions Clubs International announced today a new collaboration between the two organizations. The agreement was signed by Mahendra Amarasuriya, President, Lions Clubs International (LCI), and Soren Petersen, Head Local Networks and Partnerships at the Global Compact Office, during the 30th Annual Lions Day with the UN at UN Headquarters in New York."
"The Global Compact and LCI will promote cooperation in developing countries between local Lions Clubs and Global Compact Local Networks in order to harness the power of business in responding to the challenges and opportunities of globalization in particular with regards to the UN Millennium Development Goals."
"Mr. Petersen emphasized the potential synergy effects between local Lions Clubs and Global Compact Networks as “both organizations are based on a similar set of universal values and similar views on the role of corporate citizenship.”"
A "moment of silence" for World Water Day? Lions Club and the UN?
These two recent articles from the United Nations are quite revealing. The first one, the "water issue", is going to become huge, as it is/will be the leverage used to create all sorts of legislative controls which will in turn be used to manipulate every aspect of life on the planet. This will affect food production, manufacturing, land usage, etc. Virtually everything.
This global "water control" network is now being 'hardwired'. It's the "early stages of this awakening" according to Ban Ki-Moon. This 'awakening' is more than likely already happening in your local community, although the parties involved (governing officials/community leaders, etc.) most likely have no idea that they are helping to further the one-world 'global transformation' agenda. see: water act 2007
As you can see, the Lion's Club also has now been 'drafted' by the globalist agenda and will now join in collaboration with the UN, which will, they claim, create 'synergy'....
The simplest way to see how all this fits together is to understand that basically the entire world is being organized into a "single corporation". 'Earth Unlimited' if you will. It really is that simple. All the partnerships between governments, private business, non-profits (e.g. Lion's club) will establish the 'world-management flow chart' (so to speak) for this huge 'corporation'. A "one world government" in other words. The consumer-friendly name for this global management plan is sustainable development. Strongly recommended that you learn about it, it's on your street already!
recommend also to take a little time and read these brief articles, and to follow the various links on the pages,as well as those above, i.e. connect the dots: UN water mandate; running out of water?
Matt.24: 33 "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things....."
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