No sooner said than done. Gordon Brown gets his wish:
U.N. Gets Rolling on Copenhagen Accord, Forms 'Global' Finance Panel
UNITED NATIONS -- The United Nations moved today to implement a key component of the Copenhagen Accord, announcing the launch of a high-level panel to design and oversee a $100 billion annual fund for climate mitigation and adaptation financing in poor countries.
re: ' body'
The superstructure for the international green movement is now visibly rising on the global landscape like the Tower of Babel of old as puppet political figures, pandering to the Kabbalist-driven whims of their demonically possessed masters, defiantly create a global regulatory system with which they will attempt to finalize their ages-old plan to micromanage the earth and dominate all of mankind on it.
Gordon Brown called for a global body less than a month ago and just like that one has been brought into existence. It is a self appointed body, made up of international high level government and private figures, and in part will be privately funded. This new body is without question being set up as an unaccountable global authority.
As a global authority, Brown's new 'climate change' dictator-ettes will need a sub-system underneath them with which to direct policy worldwide. This sub-system is already being built worldwide on the national level. Little more than a week ago, India announced the formation of their own 'climate-change body' [2-5-10 here], as did the United States a few days later. The U.S. has stated that they will bypass congressional legislation to implement their new "Climate Service", which will operate through six "regional offices" [2-8-10 here]. Other countries will follow, and as the system becomes operational across the planet, the global-level dictates will flow down through these national channels to every community on the earth. From there, they will be facilitated by 'coalitions'. see: Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" 2-10-10
This is the now-visible superstructure of a worldwide green-dictatorship that, through the creation of 'environmental' regulations touching every activity on earth, intends to regulate and control every square inch of the planet, and every person on it.
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Matthew 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.