– A conservative civil liberties group is challenging the constitutionality of the recently enacted federal Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009.
The lawsuit naming U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan on behalf of three pastors and the president of the American Family Association of Michigan
The lawsuit alleges that the new law violates the plaintiffs’ rights to freedom of speech, expressive association, and free exercise of religion protected by the First Amendment, and it violates the equal protection guarantee of the Fifth Amendment. The lawsuit also alleges that Congress lacked authority to enact the legislation under the Tenth Amendment and the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution.
The lawsuit says the Hate Crimes Prevention Act “provides law enforcement with authorization and justification to conduct federal investigative and other federal law enforcement actions against Plaintiffs and others deemed to be opponents of homosexual activism, the homosexual lifestyle, and the homosexual agenda,” thereby expanding the jurisdiction of the FBI and other federal law enforcement and intelligence gathering agencies.
Robert Muise, who is handling the case, said the new law promotes two Orwellian concepts: “It creates a special class of persons who are ‘more equal than others’ based on nothing more than deviant, sexual behavior. And it creates ‘thought crimes’ by criminalizing certain ideas, beliefs, and opinions, and the involvement of such ideas, beliefs, and opinions in a crime will make it deserving of federal prosecution."
He said it gives government officials the power "to decide which thoughts are criminal under federal law and which are not.”
Gonna be a showdown, and once again, the U.S. Constitution is in the crosshairs. For the GLBT-ers, this case may eventually dovetail nicely with the homosexual-marriage constitutional challenge awaiting a decision in California, which is certain to go on to SCOTUS. As the 'Hate Crimes' law is just as weighty a matter, it is unlikely that it will not end up there also. At any rate, striking down the Constitution and establishing "Orwellian concepts" are the order of the day for the homosexuality advocating globalist crowd, i.e. Team Obama, and they seem to possibly have the situation choreographed for achievement of the goals. For example:
"Chai Feldblum, the Georgetown University law professor nominated by President Obama to serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, has written that society should “not tolerate” any “private beliefs,” including religious beliefs, that may negatively affect homosexual “equality.”" see: White House Appointee: "Belief Liberty" To Be Trumped By Homosexual Agenda 1-18-10 This will all take a while to play out...stay tuned.
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