This post is an update on S.510 which has been lurking in the shadows for over a year: Dictatorship America: Senate Poised To Pass "New Farm Controls" 11-18-09 "Note that there is to be no debate on this 'food safety' bill [S.510], and committee meetings are closed. Another power grab is on, and once again, the puppet politicians are fully complicit...Control over the food supply, as seen in this article, is a major piece of the totalitarian-power puzzle. The acquired power over the serfdom will be maintained, for one, through the manipulation of the most basic need of mankind...the need to eat. [see post]***
This 'global-regulation' bill is coming up for a vote on Wednesday 11-17-10. Two articles here, the first predicting possible lame-duck passage by the weekend, the second summarizing the reality of the dictatorial control mechanism that the lame ducks are seeking:
Could Food Safety Bill Clear Senate By Weekend?
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, S. 510, will be brought to the floor of the U.S. Senate Wednesday for a procedural vote and party leaders expect it to pass, The Hill news site reported late Sunday. Passage of the bill by the weekend is now possible.
The House passed H.R. 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act, in July 2009 with a strong bipartisan vote of 283-142. It is the House's companion version to S 510, but a conference committee with Senate will be required to reconcile a final bill for the President's signature.
If the bill does go to the floor on Wednesday, credit will go to Majority Leader Harry Reid, who filed a cloture motion [prevents filibuster w/60 votes] for S. 510 before the election break, putting it in a position for potential action in the lame duck session of Congress.
If some version of the House /Senate food safety reforms does become law, it would bring stepped up inspection of both foreign and domestic food processors, grant FDA mandatory recall authority, and require joint planning by FDA and USDA for stronger food safety.
Lame ducks at work!
“In a nutshell, S510 is effectively NAIS (National Animal Identification System) for everything. It is a tremendous amount of additional enforcement (fines and penalties, license revocations, further license requirements, control over processes and harvest) which are definite issues with the bill as it currently exists.
“Here’s why….In S 510, the FDA is instructed to follow all international agreements. One of the issues with international ‘guidelines and standards’ is “Good Agricultural Practices”. Well those are not necessarily good. Most GAP certifying bodies have checklists about 25 pages long for growers to follow. They all require traceability (i.e., NAIS) they also require auditing, verifying and certifying the processes used to produce a consumable product for human or animal feed. Every step in GAP costs the grower of food money and a good deal of paperwork.
re: 'follow all international agreements...traceability'
Make no mistake about it. Submitting this country to "all international agreements", and establishing a tracking system for "everything" that includes "control over processes and harvest" as well as "auditing, verifying, and certifying", is nothing less than an absolute takeover of the entire food industry...and making it part of a global control network.
Controlling the commerce of the earth, including the food supply. That is the intent. Ultimately it is to control mankind. Absolute global dictatorship is the only goal. There is no plan 'b', and for them, to make it happen...anything goes. Rev. 18:4
Psalms 20:7 'Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God' [cf. Phil. 2:10-11]
update 11-17-10
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