'If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him' 1Jn 2:15
There is a great deal of worldliness, and earthly-mindedness, and covetousness among the professing Christians of our day. They are worshipers of the golden calf! O sirs! the world is all shadow and vanity. The world is like Jonah's gourd—a man may sit under its shadow for a time, but it soon decays and dies. Jonah 4:6,7
The world may well be resembled to the fruit which undid us all—which was fair to the sight, smooth in handling, sweet in taste [Gen. 3:6] — but deadly in effect and operation! O sirs! if you can gather grapes of thorns, and figs of thistles, then go on, and dote upon the world still.
All the things of this world are vain things—they are vanity of vanities, Eccl. 1:2. All in heaven count them vain, and all in hell count them vain; pearls are but as pebbles in their eyes. Lazarus in heaven is now rich enough, and happy enough; and Dives in hell is now poor enough, and miserable enough. He who makes the world his god while he is in the world—what will he do for a god when he goes out of this world?
Well, sirs, remember this—an inordinate love of the world will eat out all a man's communion with God. A man cannot look up to heaven and look down upon the earth—at the same time. Thomas Brooks, 1670
1 Jnn 2:17 'And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever'
Since 'abiding forever' is on the line, can you in truth say "Lord, not my will, but thine, be done"?
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