source: Kjos ministries (excellent resource, highly recommended)
"These days, the word “incarnational” can be heard in most denominations and postmodern churches. It’s at the heart of the new, experiential form of Christianity -- the transformative movement attempting to unify the world under the banner of the evolving “Church”. It fits right into Rick Warrens global P.E.A.C.E. Plan and Brian McLaren's Kingdom of God."
This is only one example, but if you hear this word being 'bandied' about in your church, small group, new latest-greatest book by XYZ, etc., you can be certain that you are being indoctrinated by the emerging church/global-spirituality movement. see: emerging-world-church . Removing thyself from any and all unscriptural indoctrination is highly recommended: go or stay?
Briefly, the would be world-managers have determined that the role of the many varied Christian denominations in their coming anti-christian one world system is to be unpaid community service workers. They are to be assimilated into the system, and in fulfilling this assigned role will be said to have become "incarnational". Fleshing out your faith, they will try to tell you. "Flesh" is the correct word for this, as this global movement has absolutely nothing to do with the Holy God of the bible, but is 'wholly' a work of man.
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