Australia's unannounced 'totalitarian' web filter causes alarm
Australia's government is under fire after it appears to have introduced web censorship without warning, expanding already-controversial powers to block access to child pornography into a wider web filtering system.
The reluctance of the government to release information about who has requested sites be blocked, and lists of those sites, has also alarmed many Australians. Two convenors from Melbourne Free University (MFU), whose site was blocked without warning or explanation on 4 April, have described it as a "glimpse [of] the everyday reality of living under a totalitarian government".
"After persistent questioning, our local internet supplier reluctantly told us that the internet address of our website had been blocked by the 'Australian Government'. Even more alarmingly, they said they were legally unable to 'provide the details regarding who has blocked the IP or why'.
The fact that government ministries are now able to ask ISPs to take down sites without any kind of legal or regulatory oversight has, unsurprisingly, angered a lot of opposition politicians. Australian Greens senator Scott Ludlam told the Australian Financial Review: "It's extraordinarily difficult to find who has issued these notices and on behalf of whom, for what categories of content, or what you do if you find yourself on a block list. We've got a very serious problem and it's not at all clear whether the government knows what it's actually doing."
Australians will now have to petition their government to get this situation under control.
Censorship i.e. silencing non NWO-supportive speech, has been simmering on the back burner for the past few years. That is not the case any longer. It is now on the front burner and the heat is being turned up....everywhere. They call it the 'dark knight rising'...the Word of God says "The night is far spent, the day is at hand" [Rom. 13:12]. That would be the 'Day of the LORD', when He comes to put an end to the rule of the wicked [Malachi 4:1], and right all wrongs [Acts. 3:20-21]. Acts 3:19
Romans 13:12 'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light'
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