Radio Host to Lead Armed March on DC July 4th ‘To Put Gov’t on Notice’
“There’s a remote chance that there will be violence as there has been from government before, and I think it should be clear that if anyone involved in this event is approached respectfully by agents of the state, they will submit to arrest without resisting.”
An update states that Kokesh is already coordinating with authorities in the DC area and is encouraging them to honor their oaths and help escort the march along their route.
Libertarian and political commentator Lew Rockwell, on the Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show, warned that the march is equivalent to entering the gates of Mordor, and agreed with Alex that the event could easily be provocateured to demonize the growing liberty movement.
Below is the Facebook post in full:
On the morning of July 4, 2013, Independence Day, we will muster at the National Cemetery & at noon we will step off to march across the Memorial Bridge, down Independence Avenue, around the Capitol, the Supreme Court, & the White House, then peacefully return to Virginia across the Memorial Bridge. This is an act of civil disobedience, not a permitted event. We will march with rifles loaded & slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny. We are marching to mark the high water mark of government & to turn the tide. This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent. Should we meet physical resistance, we will peacefully turn back, having shown that free people are not welcome in Washington, & returning with the resolve that the politicians, bureaucrats, & enforcers of the federal government will not be welcome in the land of the free.
There’s a remote chance that there will be violence as there has been from government before, and I think it should be clear that if anyone involved in this event is approached respectfully by agents of the state, they will submit to arrest without resisting. We are truly saying in the SUBTLEST way possible that we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees.
You are welcome to attend unarmed as a supporter, or armed with a recording device...We especially invite law enforcement officers to stand with us armed however they feel is appropriate.
If this page gets to 10,000 attendees by June 1st, & we have the critical mass necessary to pull this off, (1,000 actual attendees) we will march. Please spread the word, share this event, & invite all your friends.
UPDATE 130506 Now that it’s undeniable that this is going to happen, allow me to make clear how. There will be coordination with DC law enforcement prior to the event. I will recommend that they do the best they can to honor their oaths and escort us on our route. Failing to provide that commitment to safety, we will either be informed that we will only be allowed up to a certain point where we would be arrested. If this is the case, we will approach that point as a group and if necessary, I will procede to volunteer myself to determine what their actual course of action with someone crossing the line will be at which point fellow marchers will have the choice of joining me one at a time in a peaceful, orderly manner, or turning back to the National Cemetery.
1:20 "...this is an armed revolt against the American Government, make no mistake about it"
Destabilizing the US byway of instigated civil unrest has been in the works for years now. It is not a surprise to see it, the NWO-insiders have been actively conditioning the public for a long time as revealed by the posts linked below. This announcement of an "armed march on Washington" on Independence Day July 4, 2013, which is including some fairly provocative and inflammatory language, such as "we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny" and "We are truly saying in the SUBTLEST way possible that we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees" has to be seen as a very clear indication that the NWO 'civil-unrest instigating' program is now dispensing with the rhetoric of the past few years and is readying to go live. "Entering the gates of Mordor" [above] is a reference to 'The Lord of the Rings' and would seem to mean the taking of a course of action from which, once taken, there is no retreat - once in, no way out that is [link: Mordor]. That obviously would be the case with any move toward a 'revolution'.
Another consideration is the idea of civil unrest being used to implement martial law. Along these lines is the strange and inexplicable comparison of Obama to Lincoln that has been made by msm sources over the past few tears. An interesting and little known fact about Abraham Lincoln is that during the civil war he took numerous "extra-constitutional measures", including at one point essentially declaring martial law without congressional approval. This was done by calling it "suppression of rebellion", whereby the explanation given was that no congressional action was required in the case of 'rebellion' [link]. Is that where this is leading, led by [NWO-zionist] insiders (Rabbi?) Kokesh and Jones. July 4th may not erupt into actual conflict, but again, it's the "gates of Mordor" - there's no way back after that. At any rate, be very aware, the 'NWO revolution Amerika' agenda is apparently going to the next level, and however it plays out that day, that first day of "symbolic" revolution, life in the USA will never be the same.
see: Revolution In The Air? "Operation Homeland Liberty" Forms to Fight NDAA; Launches 1-15-13 "It was three years ago [1-14-10] now that Texas representative and NWO insider Ron Paul stood in the U.S. Congress and predicted "revolutionary changes in the not-too-distant future" for America. About a week later Paul elaborated on that prediction and suggested the possibility of "blood running in the streets"...Others were carrying the revolution banner as well. For instance: Tea Partier Sarah Palin Singing NWO 'Revolution Song' Now Too 2-7-10 [and] House Rep. Michele Bachmann Parroting NWO "Insurrection" Theme 12-4-10... There is also now the very real possibility that 2nd Amendment 'right-to-bear-arms' movements will start popping-up in resistance to the "gun control" issues which have 'suddenly' arisen as of late... Revolution leads to civil unrest, which leads to martial law, which leads to the final assimilation of the USA into the kabalist kingdom-come of the global dictatorial government. From the looks of things, that is the plan from this point forward. It's all about the ordo-ab-chao and the phoenix rising from the ashes. That is the only way they can make it happen. Be aware, they have no plan 'b'. [see post]
and: Civil War In U.S.? Unbelievable Rhetoric And Another Call For 'Revolution' 12-11-09 "Truly astounding that these very dramatic 'possibilities' are now in fact the subject of open for revolution - and a fight for liberties...Beyond question, the 'global conspiracy' end game is underway, and, it seems to definitely involve some sort of 'new American revolution' at any given point from here on out."
also: History In The Making - Continental Congress Convenes To 'Hold Government Accountable' November 11-22 '09 11-13-09 "By all appearances, it looks like some very real groundwork is being laid for future confrontation between the people of this country and the cold-blooded NWO-er's, they being the guilty party in the demolition job now being done on America. The real-world problem with this is that 'civil unrest' greatly serves the purposes of the NWO (so-called). How better to further destabilize the existing order than to begin to instigate widespread civil unrest and then come in with the iron fist? Never forget, it's always 'ordo ab chao', i.e. order out of chaos."
Rev. 18:4
5-14-13 update July 4th "Armed March on Washington": Kokesh Interviewed On CBS
5-24-13 update: Plot Thickens: Adam Kokesh Calls To Expand July 4th "Armed March On Washington" To All 50 States
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