excerpts:"Lately, I have taken to calling this a time of multiple crises. The economy. Volatile energy markets. War and humanitarian disasters....Yet for all the troubles, we face only one truly existential threat....That is climate change...Trust me."
update on:FDA Green Lights Genetically Engineered Animals For 'Human Chow' (see post)
FDA to Approve Genetically Engineered Animals
The FDA has adopted new rules allowing companies to sell genetically modified animals and their products on the market, and affirming that the DNA of such animals is private property that can be held under patent...Environmental and consumer advocates also criticized the rules for ignoring the potential environmental impacts of genetically modified animals."Drugs don't go out and breed with each other. When a drug gets loose, you figure you can control it. When a bull gets loose, it would be harder to corral"
related: FDA Admits Cloned Meat, Milk May Have Already Entered Food Supply
The FDA has admitted that meat and milk from the offspring of cloned mammals such as cows, pigs, goats and sheep could very well have already entered the food supply in the United States.
Psalms 71:2 Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.
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