U.S. Navy Ships Head To Georgia (Making themselves at home...permanently, will most likely prove to be the case. Any volunteers to go on a global-purpose-driven mission trip?)
McCain On Reinstituting A Military Draft: ‘I Don’t Disagree’ (Successful global conquest will require more wars and occupations, which will require more occupiers [and purpose-drivers].The military draft has been on the back burner for at least 3-4 years now, just idling. Post election, if it really happens, could be anything goes)
MCCAIN: Ma’am, let me say that I don’t disagree with anything you said. see: Inouye calling for military draft?
little more on Justice Dept. To Create 'Homeland' Gestapo? story:
New Guidelines Would Give F.B.I. Broader Powers (a little PR and then the Gestapo will begin to operate openly. It's true, it really has come to this. The NWO boys are not playing anymore....enemies of the state beware. see:Rick Warren, Politics, and One World Religion)
The plan, which could be made public next month, has already generated intense interest and speculation.
The Democratic senators said the draft plan appeared to allow the F.B.I. to go even further in collecting information on Americans connected to “foreign intelligence” without any factual predicate. They also said there appeared to be few constraints on how the information would be shared with other agencies.
The Justice Department said Wednesday that in light of requests from members of Congress for more information, Mr. Mukasey would agree not to sign the new guidelines before a Sept. 17 Congressional hearing.
FCC Order is Open Invitation to Internet Filtering (Big Brother doesn't like tattletales. The time is growing ever shorter for free access to anything not produced by the bureau of propaganda. It's just a matter of time peoples because the internet cops are chomping at the bit to silence the nwo tt's.)
The nation's largest greeting card company is rolling out same-sex wedding cards -- featuring two tuxedos, overlapping hearts or intertwined flowers, with best wishes inside. "Two hearts. One promise," one says.
Hallmark added the cards after California joined Massachusetts as the only U.S. states with legal gay marriage. A handful of other states have recognized same-sex civil unions.
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