"The United States and the European Union are nearing completion of an agreement that would allow law enforcement and security agencies to obtain private information - including credit card transactions, travel histories and Internet browsing habits - about people on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean."
"Negotiators have largely agreed on draft language for 12 major issues that are central to a "binding international agreement" making clear that it is lawful for European governments and companies to transfer personal information to the United States, and vice-versa, according to an internal report obtained by The New York Times."
"The Bush administration and the European Commission, the EU's executive body, have not publicized the talks. But in a little-noticed paragraph deep in a joint statement following a summit meeting between President George W. Bush and European leaders in Slovenia this month, the leaders hailed their progress."
First, an economic integration between the EU and the U.S. (see link below), and now a "binding international agreement" to integrate the personal data of what are soon to be global-citizens. The talks have not been publicized. Imagine that, what a *surprise!
The slave trading market is almost ready. 666
Once again, be aware. Be not 'ensnared'!
compare: EU, US Economic Integration - Two become One
*For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. (Luke 21:35)
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