[excerpted] February 16, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Six pro-life activists, including one Catholic priest, were arrested this morning in front of the White House while holding a peaceful prayer vigil in protest against the Obama administration’s birth control mandate. They were released shortly thereafter, after paying a $100 fine.
Fr. Denis Wilde, the Associate Director of Priests for Life, told LifeSiteNews that by their arrests the protesters hoped to send a “wake-up call” to President Obama that opposition to his mandate is not going away.
The six were arrested on a charge of “disobeying a lawful order.” The priest explained that while it is legal to hold protests in front of the White House, protesters are not allowed to remain stationary, including if they kneel down and pray.
“Occupy Wall Street protesters have been occupying federal property for months, but when we kneel in prayer, the police are called in and we are arrested,” Father Wilde said. “We knew that was the risk when we gathered today, and we will do it again regardless of the risk. What people of faith – of every faith – need to do now is stand with us.”.
Fr. Frank Pavone, the head of Priests for Life, told LifeSiteNews.com: “The men arrested today, including our Associate Director, reveal the fact that the response to the unjust Obama mandate cannot be limited to the Courts, the Congress, and the press. It must bring us to the streets of America.”
This post is a follow up on on this one: NWO Plan Working: Catholics To Lead White House Protest 2-16-12; Colson Invokes "Manhattan Declaration" 2-12-12
and these two: One World Religion: Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, Baptist Leaders Vow Civil Disobedience In Congress 2-16-12 2-16-12 "Inter-faith rallies will be starting soon in cities across the land."
NWO 'Religious Protest' Agenda Begins In America: Thousands March Against NYC Ban On Churches Using Schools 1-31-12 "Mark this occasion, it is the beginning of what is going to become a huge movement...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------re: "It must bring us to the streets"
"Taking it to the streets" actually started two weeks ago in New York [see link directly above]. Here now though are the historical first arrests connected with what truly is history in the making - the assault on religious freedom in the USA, and the forming of interreligious alliances as the NWO intended result.
The impact will not only be felt in the religious world but will reverberate through all of society. It will never be the same - which is exactly the plan. Ordo ab chao = NWO. Follow links, connect dots
Note to true Christians - John 18:36 'Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight'
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