WASHINGTON — Up to 10,000 U.S. troops will be in Haiti or off its shores by Monday to distribute aid and prevent potential rioting among desperate earthquake survivors, it was disclosed Friday, as President Obama promised long-term reconstruction help.
Obama on Friday promised an expansive U.S. effort to help Haiti survive its disaster, not just in the frantic push to save lives now but also as part of a longer-term, costly effort to help rebuild the country.
Obama, who had been unable to contact President Rene Preval several times this week, talked for 30 minutes with the Haitian leader. He told Preval the world has been devastated by the loss and suffering and pledged full U.S. support for both the immediate recovery effort and the long-term reconstruction.
re: long-term reconstruction
It is not the purpose of this post to make an attempt to address the unfathomable devastation and human suffering taking place in Haiti. Words are insufficient, and as the entire world is fully aware of the tragic situation, to do so would be of no further help and so is unnecessary.
Having said that, the purpose of this post is simply to point out certain facts concerning Haiti and the globalization agenda, or what the below author calls the "Grand March of History":
quoted from Mandatory global 'integration': 4-15-08 "NEW PENTAGON VISION TRANSFORMS WAR AGENDA [1-6-05] "Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld has a "strategy guy" whose job is to teach this new way of warfare to high-level military officers from all branches of services and to top level CIA operatives. Thomas Barnett is a professor at the Navy War College in Rhode Island. He is author of the controversial book The Pentagon's New Map [2004] that identifies a "non-integrating gap" in the world that is resisting corporate globalization. Barnett defines the gap as parts of Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Central Asia..."
[and] "In what Barnett calls a "Grand March of History" he claims that the U.S. military must be transformed in order to preemptively take control of the gap, so the U.S. can "manage" the global distribution of resources, people, energy, and money.."
[and] "Barnett argues that the days of arms talks and international treaties are over. "There is no secret where we are going," he says..."In a related quote from a magazine article written by Barnett in '03 as a preview of his above mentioned book, it is interesting to note that Haiti is listed in the number one position on a list of nineteen rogue 'non-integrators' which had been slated for "preemptive" action:
"1) HAITI - Efforts to build a nation in 1990s were disappointing • We have been going into Haiti for about a century, and we will go back...without fail."
Quoting Barnett from this same article again: "In sum, it is always possible to fall off this bandwagon called globalization. And when you do, bloodshed will follow. If you are lucky, so will American troops.
Under the circumstances it is very interesting to note that the little nation of Haiti has up until now been considered a "non-integrating gap" nation - one that is "resisting corporate globalization", as designated by Pentagon globalization strategist Thomas Barnett in his 2004 book 'The Pentagon's New Map'. It is also interesting, under the circumstances, to note the specific points that he makes in the above article with regard to Haiti:
(1) failed nation-building efforts going back to the 1990's, and further, [and]
(2 ) Barnett pledged that this should in no way be interpreted as meaning that they would give up on their plans for Haiti - "we will go back...without fail"
In line with these facts, it is most interesting to note that as a result of this truly unimaginable situation in what is now the decimated capital city of Haiti, the Pentagon's "corporate globalization" goals for this little country, so long delayed, look about to be finally realized as the American military makes it's way in with long term 'nation-building' plans, aka "reconstruction". It is exactly what was wanted. A week ago the door was still closed, but no longer. The corporate globalization machine is moving in for good. Is this the "Grand March of History" at work?
As Barnett stated in his book, the globalization strategy to be employed is to "preemptively take control of the gap". What then shall we think?
***see: 8.0 Sichuan [China] quake 6-4-08 "Boxun News, a Chinese-language Web site based outside China, reported that an unnamed expert has claimed that there was a nuclear explosion near the epicenter of the Sichuan earthquake..." [This story is not verifiable, but it was reported at the time. Posted here for informational purposes only, make of it what you will.]
also: NWO 'Regime Changes' In Africa: Somalia, Zimbabwe Pending, Guinea Successful 12-23-08
'The fourth beast...shall devour the whole earth...' Dan. 7:23
update 1-20-10