President Names Transgender Appointee to Commerce Department
re: "I will soon be one of hundreds"
As the June '09 proclamation from the White House stated ('follow up' link above), the NWO-ers are advancing the "full spectrum" of the LGBT agenda, and the above story represents another big step in line with that. Very important also, the recent passage of the first "Federal gay rights law", aka the hate-crimes bill (so-called), put teeth into the agenda. Suddenly, those who may oppose and vocalize their opposition are now at risk of finding themselves at variance with the laws of the NWO, and as such, in danger of legal action.
Again it is evident that the LGBT agenda is in reality just another Big Brother scam, being used ultimately as a means to the end of destroying the right to free speech, as all religious or morally opposing views will no longer be recognized as having any validity. And do not forget that with the legal protections come open doors to schools, which allows access to, and the proselytization of, children, as well as forced doors to many other areas of society [here]. And to those who still hold to God's inerrant Word - it is an attempt to force submission to the ungodliness and the darkness that has fallen on the planet.
Colossians 2:8 'Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ'
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