Vancouver International Airport to Get Full-body Scanners
Travellers at Vancouver International Airport could find themselves subject to full-body scans that see through clothing as early as next week.
The airport is expected to receive one or two of the controversial full-body imaging scanners in the next 10 days, said Don Ehrenholz, vice-president of operations and engineering at YVR.
About a dozen of the new scanners are expected to arrive within the next week and the rest by the spring. Patrick Charette, a Transport Canada spokesman, said the scanners will be used in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver.
The Vancouver Sun reported Monday that the Vancouver Airport Authority will beef up security plans throughout January, leading up to the 2010 Winter Olympics.
March 1, the day after the closing ceremonies, is expected to be YVR's busiest day in history, with 39,000 people and 77,000 pieces of luggage leaving the airport.
re: airports in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver.
compare TSA To 'Strip Search' All Passengers 4-11-09 "It is not difficult to see the mind bending psychological effect created on a people forced to submit to such treatment. Neither is it difficult to see how the NWO-ers have designed this absurd 'security system' for that very reason. Docility in the people is very conducive to successful 'New World Order' building. That is the true intent.
Psalms 92:7 'When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed forever'
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