San Francisco (AP) - The national debate over same-sex marriage will take center stage in a California courtroom next week at a closely watched federal trial that could ultimately become the landmark case that determines whether gay Americans have a right to marry. The case will decide a challenge to California's gay marriage ban that was approved by voters in 2008, and the ruling will likely be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. How the high court rules in the case could set the precedent for whether gay marriage becomes legal nationwide.
The case marks the first federal trial to examine if the U.S. Constitution permits bans on gay marriages, and the challenge is being bankrolled by a group of liberal Hollywood activists including director Rob Reiner and producer Bruce Cohen. They retained two of the nation's most influential lawyers to argue the case - former U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson and trial lawyer David Boies.
Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Democratic Attorney General Jerry Brown are defendants in the lawsuit by virtue of their prominent positions in California government, but both men opposed the ban and have refused to defend the suit in court. Schwarzenegger has taken no position on the case, while Brown filed a brief saying he agreed with the Olson-Boies team that gays have the same federal constitutional right to marry as heterosexuals.
Presiding over the case is U.S. District Court Chief Judge Vaughn Walker, a Republican named to the bench in 1989 by the first President Bush. Walker, who has a reputation as an independent thinker, was randomly assigned the lawsuit, put it on a fast-track to trial and has said he thinks it raises serious civil rights claims. During a pretrial hearing in August, the judge pointedly scolded Schwarzenegger for remaining neutral "on an issue of this magnitude and importance.".
Walker says the case is so important that the court has taken the rare step of allowing videotaping of the proceedings so the public can watch. The trial, scheduled to start Monday, will air on YouTube every day.
Testimony in the trial will explore many of the most contentious political arguments surrounding the issue. Leaders of the campaign to outlaw gay marriages have been called as witnesses, along with competing academic experts who will be cross-examined on topics ranging from how having same-sex parents affects children and if gay unions undermine male-female marriages.
re: 'ultimately become the landmark case'
It has taken more than a year to come about, but the trial of the century is now set to take center stage in the Supreme Court of the State of California beginning next week. In that California courtroom, the 'constitutionality' of the homosexual pseudo-marriage question will for the first time ever be tested on the federal level, as opposed to the level of individual states laws.
As the case originated in the attempt to overturn the 2008 California voter-approved ban of male-to-male and female-to-female 'marriages', it is very important to note here that the so-called 'elective representatives', those very men who are supposed to have been elected to represent the "will of the people", Brown and Schwarzenegger in this case, have both refused to do just that - i.e. represent.
Although Schwarzenegger and Brown are the legal defendants in the case, they will ignore the wishes of the majority of their constituents and instead yield their vested authority to the 'will of' political expediency. Down with American elective-representative government, long live the NWO.
With an all-star lineup and history-making plot line, this dramatized little production is guaranteed to be quite a spectacle, although as pointed out in the above article, regardless of the outcome in California, it is going to end up in the U.S. Supreme Court. From there...hate to even have to think about it. fyi ***
compare: California Homosexual Marriage Defeat And Obama 11-6-08 "In pledging to overturn DOMA Obama seeks to remove state's rights, violate the principles of federalism, violate a major tenant of all traditional religious systems observed in America, and subject children to a quite non-healthy home-life." Rev. 18:4
John 3:19 'And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil'
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