World Day of Prayer for Climate Change
British Church leaders of all denomination have expressed support for a Climate Change Day of Prayer on 4 October in the run up to the next United Nations climate change summit due to take place at the end of the year.""The talks in Copenhagen this December are of huge significance because they provide an opportunity for the nations of the world to reach binding agreements on cutting back carbon emissions to slow rising global temperatures. Bold agreements for action are needed based on climate science. Much of the negotiating and decision making will take place prior to the summit in December. Hence, there is the crucial need for prayer over the next three months. Those behind the Climate Change Day of Prayer initiative hope that Christians will hold joint times of prayer within every town and city.
"We pray not just that political leaders might act but that we too may be transformed. We need to be ready to change the way we live to reflect our belief that we are called to care for creation, not to participate in its destruction..
This post is a follow up on: Pope, World Religions to Form 'Climate Change Plans' - Conference 11-'09 "As political leaders aim for a momentous climate change conference in Copenhagen in December, religious leaders are rolling up their sleeves as well." This "World Day of Prayer" is related to the Copenhagen conference mentioned in the follow up post just above (see post).
The spiritual delusion falling upon the people of this planet is getting deeper by the day. Blinded religious leaders will now be leading their deluded followers to ignorantly pray for the very global agenda that will be used to dominate and control every aspect of their existence (here)...i.e. essentially the implementation of the global control system of the coming kingdom of Antichrist. All in the name of the 'climate change' deception. Sheeple to the slaughter. As quoted from the 'Day of Prayer' site, the focus of this 'prayer' is to be on these things: "the nations of the world to reach binding agreements"..."bold agreements for action"..."that we too may be transformed"..."to be ready to change the way we live"...etc.
Here is the sad thing. Their prayers will be answered.
see also: Truth is fallen in the street; Isa 59:14----------------------------------------
Luke 21:36 '...pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man'