"The 2009 National Worship Leader Conference took place on July 20-23 in Leawood, Kansas and brought together a convergence of contemplative/emerging speakers. Some will probably wonder though why popular trusted figures like Calvary Chapel's Greg Laurie, 70s Jesus movement singer Evie, and Love Song lead singer, Chuck Girard, were part of the speaking/singing platform too. That's a good question considering the number of speakers at the event who were hearty advocates for the contemplative new spirituality: some of those included Leonard Sweet, Chuck Fromm (founder of the event and of Worship Leader magazine), emerging leader Sally Morgenthaler, Brennan Manning proponent Michael W. Smith, the pro-contemplative David Crowder Band, contemplative/emerging Marva Dawn, Alpha Course leader and contemplative proponent Todd Hunter, and others." (read full article at lighthousetrails; click link above) see: nationalworshipleaderconference -----------------------------------------------
re: 'trusted figures'?
It is particularly troubling to see, to quote the above article,"trusted figures like Calvary Chapel's Greg Laurie", hobnobbing with known apostates, and rather than denouncing, sharing a platform with these purveyors of the Laodicean 'interspiritual' apostasy that is completely taking over the established church. That that is what these above named individuals do promote is easily discerned by any that will take the time to do the homework for themselves. There are many resources available, as easy as a click of the mouse. The article posted above is a good place to start.
Doing the homework. Calvary Chapelers, this holds absolutely true for you too, for who is left in the Calvary Chapel organization that will stand and publicly challenge Laurie? Anyone? Your Calvary pastor? Doubtful. I'd love to be proven wrong on that one though. Where is it then? (This from a ex-calvary chapel-er with much history, not at all disgruntled, by the way, just no longer able to excuse the tremendous influx of open apostasy)
see also: Laurie/Purpose Driven Connection (Laurie spoke this past weekend for Rick Warren's followers) "the evangelist [Laurie] stressed during this past Sunday's [8-8/9-09] worship services at [purpose-driven] Saddleback Church..." (Research purpose-driven. It is a globalist tool, synthesizing Christianity with the world's religions.)
Calvary Chapel church goer...what will you do? Remember, a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Will you still go with the 'Calvary' flow too? The flow has become a torrent, and the ship is headed over the falls...
"Some Christians have told me that they are to remain in Laodicea until the Lord gives them a call to leave. He has given the call. It is here and what is happening and will happen is the separation of God's true church from the church of the world, the church of the apostasy and of Laodicea. But you say, "Where am I going?" Well, go first to the Lord and then you will have fellowship with the true saints of God. When you get into the fellowship of the true saints of God you get power, you get blessing, you have the reality of the Lord and He is going to use you." Arno C. Gaebelein (1919)
Rev. 18:4---------------------------------------
Jude 3 "...ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints"
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