Residents said that the streets of Ziketan, a town in a mainly ethnically Tibetan region of western China, were deserted as medical staff raced to disinfect the area amid reports a third person had died of the highly contagious illness.
“Many, many people have left. They have just escaped. The streets are virtually empty now,”
News Corp...Fox Interactive Media unit, says news sites will charge for content
Murdoch also said the company intends to charge for all of its news Web sites.
"Quality journalism is not cheap, and an industry that gives away its content is simply cannibalizing its ability to produce good reporting," Murdoch said.
related:Quote 5 Words From the Associated Press? That’ll Be $12.50
Troops may be deployed to Alabama county
The sheriff in Alabama's most populous county may call for the National Guard to help maintain order, a spokesman said Tuesday, as a judge cleared the way for cuts in the sheriff's budget and lawmakers reached a compromise they hope will end the budget crisis.
A spokesman for Hale, Randy Christian, said the sheriff told Riley after the ruling that state assistance may be needed to perform basic law enforcement tasks once the department's current funding is exhausted in early September."We will certainly be looking at calling in the National Guard," said Christian.
Obama seeks to institutionalize indefinite detention
Press reports have revealed that the Obama administration is considering the creation of a prison and court complex on US soil to process and hold current and future terrorist suspects. It would include a facility to indefinitely detain people held without trial or any other constitutionally mandated due process rights.
In the context of the Obama administration’s insistence that the president, as the commander in chief, has the prerogative to order the arrest and incarceration of “terror suspects”—US citizens included—the proposal for the maximum security prison and court complex is especially ominous. see: American Government Proposes New Powers For Itself: ‘Prevention Detention’ 5-24-09 (video)
Congress Eyes Biometric Authentication For Job Eligibility
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