Aug. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA, Spain’s second-biggest bank, took over ailing Guaranty Financial Group Inc. of Texas to expand in the U.S. South, and regulators shut banks in Georgia and Alabama, pushing the 2009 toll to 81.
Branches of Guaranty in Texas and California today become offices of Birmingham, Alabama-based BBVA Compass, the U.S. affiliate of the Spanish bank, in a deal brokered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the agency said. Regulators seized three other banks with total assets of $927 million including two in Georgia, pushing that state’s tally this year to 18.
"The collapse is the 11th biggest bank failure in U.S. history"
re: 'Spain's second biggest bank'
Spain's second biggest bank just gobbled America's 11th biggest bank. This must be seen as extremely significant in regard to the systematic deconstruction necessary for the global takeover of the USA, regardless of the spin put on it (see video). American banks collapsing and being absorbed into the morphing global economic system seem to be an every Friday occurrence these days. see: Foreign Banks To 'Fund' USA 10-13-08
There can be no global kingdom of 666 if a sovereign USA still exists. That totalitarian one-world government is now coming out of the closet. Therefore, the USA must, and is now, being absorbed. Be aware.
see last week's: 666 Financial Consolidation of U.S. Takes Giant Step: 6th Largest Bank Failure In History 8-14-09 "Consolidation of all things financial into the hands of the would-be 'masters of the universe' (see: x-men) is the ultimate objective..."
Matthew 10:32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
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